Shiva, the one word that gives us strength to keep going. Because we know no matter what happen, he will be there by our side pushing us forward. Do you worship him in temple of your heart or in the mandir at your home? Having a mandir or puja room at home is a practise followed by many. Well, here are some Do and Donts.
1. The best location of poja room is in the north east of the house as this corner is known as ishaan, corner for ishwar or God. Ideal place for alter is in the east or north so that the person offering prayers can face east or north during worship. If both these directions are not feasible, the Pooja Room can be the West Direction. And it is desirable that it is not in the centre part of the house, which is called Brahmma Sthanam. The Centre of the House is called Brahmma Sthanam, which should normally be kept vacant so as to allow the universal positive energies to circulate around.
2. As per Lal Kitab it is written that we should not keep the Idols of God in the house as these idols give us reverse effect if kept at home other than Temple. There is no harm in keeping photos of Gods in the form of pictures hanging on the walls. We can keep those in our premises and pay respect to them. But the idols which you keep in house has to have certain approaches or system to be followed. If you want to, then The idols should be very small in size, not more than three inches. Shivlingam for puja at home should not be more than that of the size of a thumb. It should not be too big a linga, and the yoni should face the northern direction. If it is a big lingam, then proper daily worship and offerings need to be given.
3. There shouldn't be broken or cracked image or idol of God to be kept at home. Idols shouldn't be facing each other. Broken idols should be immediately removed and immersed in some holy river or flowing water of lake, sea etc.
4. A Pooja Room is a place of sanctity and should be clean and tidy both by its physical and environmental architecture. As such, it is also not advisable to keep the Pooja Room in the Bed Rooms, where family activities take place. Also, the Pooja Room should not be in a place where the footwear or the broomsticks and the like are kept, since they damage the sanctity of the Pooja Room. The Pooja Room can either be an independant room, or an independant shelf or even part of a shelf.
5. The pictures of deceased shouldn't be kept in pooja room. Toilets should be avoided near pooja room.
6. Faces of gods should not be covered with anything including garlands and flowers. By keeping idols, Gods in our homes need proper daily care and dedication like Snan (bath), Shringar (adornment), Puja (worship), Archana (prayer), Vandana (recitation of hymns), Bhog (food offerings) and Shayan (sleep), to name a few. Mandir should not be locked.
7. Whether it's a small puja or elaborate one, it's never complete without offering of flowers to the deity. Always use fresh And pure Flowers for worship and to get blessings of God. Only Bel leaves and Tulsi/Basil leaves don't get stale or can be used next day for worship!
Om Namah Shivaya ~ Jai Natraja!!
Om Namah Shivaya ~ Jai Natraja!!
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