If it comes, let it. If it goes, let it. Don't get attached and you will find peace.
If it comes, let it. If it goes, let it. Don't get attached and you will find peace.
🌀 Namaste Beautiful People. It's Time For Friday Inspiration.
✨ Accept the fact. You will grow from every experience in life. Every experience , however bad it may seem, holds a blessing of some kind. You just need to find it. Understand, acknowledge and grow. There's no useless moments. Every experience is important, if only you learn to use it skilfully. Let them go who hinder your growth. Adapt yourself to circumstances as the water miles itself into the pitcher. Breathe. Practice gratitude and Be optimistic. Every situation has a bright side, it just depends on your attitude how you look at it. Learn to see the bright side of every thing. Your unhappiness is not due to your situation but because of your thoughts about it. Change your thoughts and you change your reality. You can get rid of all the insanity inside you created by others, the past, and uncontrollable events, just by being a simple witness of your thoughts. Don't interfere and don't judge the thoughts. You are a watcher, who’s capable of changing your mind and rising above the turmoil. And this process of thought watching is the very alchemy of true mindfulness. Because as you become more and more deeply rooted in witnessing, the chaotic thoughts start disappearing. You are thinking, but the mind is empty of senseless chatter. That’s a moment of enlightenment, a moment that you become, perhaps for the first time, an unconditioned, sane, truly free human being. So when disturbing thoughts and emotions arise, let them unfold naturally. Don’t give them importance to make it more real. Instead, shift your attitude a bit. You will see that this disturbed and anxious mind is just an expression of mind’s basic nature, which is emptiness itself. Everything is in a good place, and there is no need for such weightiness or concern. Seeing this brings peace.!!! Love, Light & Peace ~ Hari Om Tat Sat ~ Om Namah Shivaya!
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