Obsessive or negative thoughts can make living miserable when you are plagued by them, but this very situation can become the invitation to transcend mind and be free of suffering forever. Suppressing thoughts is even worse than enduring thoughts. It builds up a lot of negative energy inside
Obsessive or negative thoughts can make living miserable when you are plagued by them, but this very situation can become the invitation to transcend mind and be free of suffering forever. Suppressing thoughts is even worse than enduring thoughts. It builds up a lot of negative energy inside.
🌀 Namaste Beautiful Souls. It's time for Thursday Inspiration.
📿 Yes, The secret to stopping obsessive or negative thoughts is to detach from the mind. If you generated thoughts, you could’ve controlled them too. But The truth is that you don’t generate thoughts, the mind does. If you believe that you are your mind, that’s a false notion again. If you are your mind then how can you observe the thoughts? So you must be separate from the mind to see what the mind is doing. The thoughts generated by mind are mostly just energy forms. These thoughts pass through like clouds. In truth all thoughts are just neutral energy forms, it’s “your” interest or association with the thoughts that makes them obsessive. If you can understand this truth, you have taken the first step towards getting rid of obsessive thoughts. And you cannot kill the mind by force. The mind dies its own death by the poison of disassociation. Its your interest in the thought that gives power to it. If you have no interest in a thought then it loses its hold over you. Don't take interest in them, Just stay as a bystander and let the thoughts float. With a little practice you will get really good at watching thoughts and not involving yourself with them. You will stop giving power to thoughts by not giving them your interest. Thoughts die immediately when they are deprived of this fuel of interest, it will wither away quickly!! Love, Light & Peace ~ Hari Om Tat Sat ~ Shivoham Shivoham!!
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