Surrender to God ; Dear Shiva, whatever conditions confront me, I know that they represent the next step in my unfoldment. I will welcome all tests because I know that within me is the intelligence to understand and the power to overcome.
Surrender to God ; Dear Shiva, whatever conditions confront me, I know that they represent the next step in my unfoldment. I will welcome all tests because I know that within me is the intelligence to understand and the power to overcome.
🙏🏻 Namaste Beautiful Souls. It's time for Thursday Inspiration. 🕉
🌀🕉 Failures can be a learning mechanism, and it can also be a success. We are going to fail, we are going to lose, and we are going to make mistakes. It's not a bad thing, we all do that. But the bad thing is not recognising our mistakes and failures, because if you don't recognise you can't learn from them. Admit it, deal with it, learn from it and ultimately succeed from it. It’s your choice. To be positive and free or to be imprisoned by your own negativity. To live in the past or to be hopeful about the present. Don't let the self doubt overcome you. It chips away at your ego and causes you to doubt your abilities, and your self worth. Don't let this negativity overtake you and ask "Am I good enough? Am I worthy?” This self-doubt never helps, and is really just an additional setback compounded on top of the setback your already facing. It's unfortunate that sometimes things don’t work out, what’s even worse is being stuck in a victim mentality that prevents us from moving forward. Allow yourself to feel the pain, so you can grow beyond it. There's no reason to be ashamed for not expressing the pain. It's sign of human strength. And it's absolutely ok, everyone goes through this kind of phase. Accept the reality and detach from fantasies. To fight against the past will merely waste your time and energy. To wish that things were different gets you nowhere. Remind yourself that it's temporary. After every sunset there's a sunrise. Just as it appears that the sun is going down on you, realise that this a momentary perspective. Things are not over, they are just bleak. These are the opportunities to evolve your perspective and spirit. There's no dead ends in this universe. It is a universe of eternal growth, expansion and unlimitedness. The situation you experience provided you contrast. You will blossom again. That ability never goes away. Your sense of godliness and power always exists. You didn't come into this life to give up that power, its inherent and part of you. You have all the ability within you. It's about your allowing of it. You don't have to create it, it already exist. Allow the shining of your light that you were born to shine.!! Love, light and Peace ~ Hari Om Tat Sat ~ Boom Shankar!!
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