Monday 30 October 2017

Be Shiva to everyone. Give hope, give smiles, and keep giving out positivity.

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Life will throw you lemons.
Some as a consequence of what we've done.
Others, to help us become stronger and better.
You want to be rich? You have to know how to handle the stress.
You want to be famous? You have to know how to handle criticism.
You want good health? You need to know how to eat right, and live right.
But here's one important facet in life.
Do not expect life to be compassionate towards you if you're not compassionate.
Do not expect the world to forgive you, if you refuse to forgive.
This world has a lot of people who hope life is one sided.
You can tip things over and be the source of love and blessings. Help those who are in need. Love those who need love.
Be Shiva to everyone. Give hope, give smiles, and keep giving out positivity.

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