Sunday 22 October 2017


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Shiva was the Lord of Tantra, a unique system of weaving together God’s science of manifestation. He often taught His ganas the tantra, saying, “All of science is merely a notation of God’s art. From the beginning of time! Just like a musician plays his music from a notation, so too, whatever the scientific man discovers, has in fact, already been artistically painted by Mother Nature into the world.” And then, with a nostalgic tone he would add, “You see, from the very beginning of the world, there was an interplay of Shiva and Shakti. I , a Poet, and She, an Artist. Whatever I sang in divine verse, She painted on the canvas of the world. And life began. Whatever you see around you, has been given by your mother. All things have come from the same origin, with the intention of love and togetherness and sharing; Thus too, my friends of Kailash, you will form the Ganatantra, the republic of all friends of God, in the spirit of sharing.” He would declare with a leader’s authority.
Shiva, who loved His fellow men and the elementals, would never ever allow them to cast servile titles on themselves. He insisted they were ‘ganas’, the friends.
~ SHIVA, The Ultimate Time Traveller.

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