The more silent you are from inside, the more powerful your thoughts and actions become. When you have inner peace, then you automatically succeed in what you do. Love is present at the very core of our being. It is our very nature. We all have a limitless ocean of joy within us.
Meditation is an age old practice of calming the mind. In the olden days, meditation was used to find enlightenment. Today, meditation is seen as an effective remedy to deal with the stresses of daily life, To address the conflict in our mind.
Meditation is the best way to take deep rest and be alert at the same time. It is a skill that calms the mind and allows you to get in touch with your inner self.
We have the ability to influence our surroundings. When we enter a room where there has been a fight, we feel uneasy. Whereas when we enter a room where a baby is playing, the mellow feeling catches on to us.
Similarly, as we practice meditation on a regular basis, we will notice a big transformation within ourselves. We will carry a beautiful energy around us. This will be apparent not just to us, but also to people around us.
Peace is not just an absence of conflict. It is a positive state of mind that we all nurture within us. It is inner peace that can bring outer peace in a family, in society and ultimately in the world. To create peace we need to look within.
Meditation is that inward journey that takes us towards a lasting solution. Once we find peace within, we are able to share it with our family, friends, and society. And then we can move towards a better world!
Shivoham Shivoham ~ Shubh Prabhat!
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