Saturday 29 June 2024



For Parvati, Namah Shivaye is not just a mantra.
When you do something with your body and mind and also pour your soul into it, when Namah Shivaye becomes Mano Shivaye, Tano Shivaye, Dhano Shivaye, metaphorically speaking, ' Shiva is drenched with your love' , He can no longer resist giving you His Darsana.
When you offer Him everything you have, your body ( Karma) your mind ( Gyana) , and your very soul ( Dhyana) , knowing that all these come from Him, then your worship with the combination of all these blossoms into a great Bhakti bhava, and Shiva ,who is Aashotosh, ( easily pleased ), will come to your very doorstep. His Idol in your heart and mandir both, will begin to shine with a divine luminescence for ever after. Make your will like that of Ma Parvati, or Nandi Gana.
Aum Namah Shivaye.

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