Monday 3 June 2024



“When you lose a precious possession and then find it again after years, the pleasure you get by this ‘reunion ‘ compensates adequately ; Maybe even gives a mystic meaning to the period for which you were divested of it .” said Shiva as He came out of His meditation.
“ Yes, true!” Smiled Parvati.
“But what about relationships which are far more than mere material possessions? When someone you have known for quite a while , someone you care for, just walks away ,leaving you in a state of unrequited fondness, how would you receive them if they showed up as mysteriously one fine morning?” Continued Shiva, “And... how would they plan their return? “ He suddenly added a last part almost as an afterthought , but Parvati instantly knew this was what He had actually been pondering over in His morning Dhyana. She wondered if her Lord actually knew what all she had gone through and what all she had changed to appear in this re-incarnation.

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