Saturday 22 June 2024



Dear friends,
This is one of my favourite pictures of Shivji, because of His beautiful and serene expression. One look at His eyes tells us so much about what a tremendous visionary He is. He is looking gently skywards, and the rays of daybreak are shining onto His forehead as if the Sun is paying Him his respects! But actually the ancient rishis tell us that even the Sun borrows his light from Shiva’s Divine luminosity.
The pic is a perfect representation of the phrase ‘ simple living and high thinking ‘
We note that Shiva is wearing simple clothing, and no ornaments like a crown or jewelery even though He is the Lord and Master of the denizens of all the Himalayas, or even the Universe.
If we are His lovers and followers , we must follow Him in His lofty traits and imbibe His habits. Each day we must learn something about Him and remind ourselves to inculcate that in our own lives. This is the way of Shiva upaya.
Aum Namah Shivaye .

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