Monday 1 July 2024



Waking, dream, and deep dreamless sleep. These are the three states of being known to us. But Shiva wants to lead us to the all important fourth state of Turiya - The state of God consciousness, or Samadhi as it is called in Yogic language.
We all know a common fact about dreams, which is that when we realize that we are dreaming, we usually wake up.
Just like that, when we go into Samadhi in Dhyana, we realize that waking too is a dream! After that in 'Vyutthan' which means arising from Dhyana, we tend to think that the life we had known was more like a dream, while God consciousness is the permanent state.
You can see in dreams what you cannot sometimes see in waking . Dreams are more fluid, always more exciting than waking, and yet no one holds you responsible for them. So if we try conscious dreaming, can we alter the fabric of experience? Some shamans experience this through herbs. But actual conscious dreaming requires spiritual knowledge also. To achieve a state where everyone is in bliss- the whole world is happy, will be like a Utopian dream- You cannot fly a super jet plane without knowing cockpit manual! It will require a massive Baudh Gyana of Shambhavopya- Knowledge of Shiva's own teaching.
Aum Namah Shivaye.

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