Thursday 4 July 2024



Shiva sits in his cave in the Himalayas in deep meditation for the welfare of all.
Just like on internet, we have different portals ( doorways ) to different sites, so also, Shiva is the portal to all life.
He is the doorway to Supreme Consciousness.
From the cave of His own heart he can reach out to anyone of us,
in our cave of heart.
This is important to note: Shiva answers our calls from His lofty peaks, whether mountain peaks or spiritual attainments, softly, in the cave of our own prayer.
When we close our eyes in deep repose, yes, it is possible to 'see' his own watchful eye looking at us.
That is the total internal reflection of Shiva, on his own creation. That, is meditation, Dhyana.
At the request of the great Kashmiri Rishi, Vasugupta, Shiva delivered Him the Siva Sutras, a very sacred text which gave Vasu knowledge about the relationship of man with God. It taught him how to get re-connected to Shiva in this very lifetime. We are indeed very fortunate that in our own time, Swami Lakshmanjoo of Ishber Ashram, Srinagar once again taught the Siva Sutras to the earnest seekers of Shiva. Though Swamiji left for his heavenly abode in 1991, the Siva Sutras still remain in our midst as the great teaching.
Aum Namah Shivaye.

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