Thursday 25 July 2024


अनस्तमितभारुपस्तेजसां तमसामपी
य एकोञत्य्रदनतश्र तेजंसि च तमसि च
~ Bodhapancadasika of Abhinavagupta.
The brilliance of the One being's light does not vanish in external light or in darkness because all light and darkness reside in the supreme light of God consciousness.
The light of a candle is outshined by the light of the sun but the radiance of that One being's light is not outshined by external light or overshadowed by darkness. This is because all external light and darkness reside in that supreme light of consciousness.
This being is called Lord Siva. He is the Source and existence of all beings.
The nature of Shiva consciousness is not enmeshed in the duality of pairs, like light and darkness, hot and cold, day and night, etc
but is beyond both. The beautiful part is that even while being the source of all, Shiva is seated in each and every being in the Universe.
Shiva is seated within you as your Divine essence. Dive within and see your own light.
Aum Namah Shivaye.

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