The so called new age mystic terms " Lucid dreaming",and “ Visualisation ” Are not really new! Just a hundred years ago, the great Swami, Vivekananda often told his disciples to be " Conscious dreamers" and in fact, the ancient hindu yogis spoke of this in mystifying terms, especially in the Agama sastras, taking great hints from Mahadeva Shiva Himself. Shiva, the greatest Dhyani,
contains in His heart all that there ever was, and ever will be.
- Creation, maintenance and dissolution, He is Himself is the highest Shaivite- Par Bhairava, The most imaginative of all! When He goes into Chintan, it is Turiya swapna, dreaming fabulous things from a state of Supreme consciousness, so that they become reality.
Aum Namah Shivaye.
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