![Photo: ------------Natural Temple of Mahalaxmi ---Kolapur --Maharashtra------
The Shri Mahalakshmi(AmbaBai) Temple of Kolhapur in Maharashtra, India, is one of the Shakti Peethas listed in various puranas of Hinduism. According to these writings, a Shakti Peetha is a place associated with Shakti, the goddess of power. The Kolhapur Shakti Peetha is of special religious significance being one of the six places where it is believed that one can either obtain salvation from desires or have them fulfilled .
The temple belongs architecturally to the Kannada Chalukya empire and may have been first built in circa 700 AD. Mounted on a stone platform, the image of the four armed and crowned goddess is made of gemstone and weighs about 40 kilograms. The image of Mahalakshmi carved in black stone is 3 feet in height. The Shri Yantra is carved on one of the walls in the temple. A stone lion, the vahana of the goddess, stands behind the statue. The crown contains an image of the Sheshnag — the serpent of Lord VishnuKirnotsav Celebrations[edit source]
Kirnotsav in Mahalakshmi Temple Kolhapur (festival of Sun rays) is celebrated when the sun rays fall directly on the deity's Mahalakshmi idol at the time of sunset on the following days :
1 31 January & 9 November : Sun rays fall directly on the feet of the deity.
2 February & 10 November : Sun rays fall directly on the chest of the deity.
3 February & 11 November : Sun rays fall directly on the entire body of the deity.
There is evidence to show that the Konkan king Kamadeo, Chalukyas, Shilahara, Yadavas of devagiri dynasties, Adya Shankaracharya visited this temple.
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------------Natural Temple of Mahalaxmi ---Kolapur --Maharashtra------
The Shri Mahalakshmi(AmbaBai) Temple of Kolhapur in Maharashtra, India, is one of the Shakti Peethas listed in various puranas of Hinduism. According to these writings, a Shakti Peetha is a place associated with Shakti, the goddess of power. The Kolhapur Shakti Peetha is of special religious significance being one of the six places where it is believed that one can either obtain salvation from desires or have them fulfilled .
The temple belongs architecturally to the Kannada Chalukya empire and may have been first built in circa 700 AD. Mounted on a stone platform, the image of the four armed and crowned goddess is made of gemstone and weighs about 40 kilograms. The image of Mahalakshmi carved in black stone is 3 feet in height. The Shri Yantra is carved on one of the walls in the temple. A stone lion, the vahana of the goddess, stands behind the statue. The crown contains an image of the Sheshnag — the serpent of Lord VishnuKirnotsav Celebrations[edit source]
Kirnotsav in Mahalakshmi Temple Kolhapur (festival of Sun rays) is celebrated when the sun rays fall directly on the deity's Mahalakshmi idol at the time of sunset on the following days :
1 31 January & 9 November : Sun rays fall directly on the feet of the deity.
2 February & 10 November : Sun rays fall directly on the chest of the deity.
3 February & 11 November : Sun rays fall directly on the entire body of the deity.
There is evidence to show that the Konkan king Kamadeo, Chalukyas, Shilahara, Yadavas of devagiri dynasties, Adya Shankaracharya visited this temple.
nice information! am thinking of visiting mahalskshmi temple in kolapur(maharashtra). Can you please provide mahalakshmi stotram which will be chanted during the festival of Diwali...