Sati. The greatest magic that creation ever had.
Even as a child, Sati was magical. She was a sheer beauty.
The first thing about her that struck the viewer were her eyes.
She had big soft, and beautiful almond shaped eyes like a doe.
Prasuti called her mrignayani, the doe eyed .They were like a sorceress’s magic, hypnotising one into virtual trance. The dark pupils floated in their own surrounding of what seemed like a sea of pure white. It was as though she contained a whole Universe within .
A universe wherein one would drift and get lost, mesmerised by how beautiful beauty can be. Her complexion was breathtaking. To call it translucent was an understatement . It was Luminosity itself , as though she had a moon inside her which glowed at all times in the softest way. And yet, when the sun arose, Sati’s soft complexion golded into a glow, even bloomier than before , as though she contained the sun!
Even as a baby, she had the most beautiful hair. The jet black contrasted so well with the luminescence , it doubled the effect of hue, giving colour to colour !
Such was the presence of Sati, she seemed to be the explanation of all things! She appeared visibly, to be the summation why Nature made luminosity, colour and a myriad other delights , All of which came together in Her, to give an embodiment to beauty itself ; she was not just the effect, she appeared as Hetu, the cause .
When she laughed , Prasuti remembered all the tinkling of bells she had been hearing in her dreams. A child’s laughter was God’s little trinket bell. But Sati’s laughter was Divinity itself in blissfull laughter.
{From the forthcoming book SHIVA by Shail Gulhati: Shiva and Mysticism.}
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