*** Mata Brahmacharini – Second Navratri of Durga **सर्वमङ्गलमाङ्गल्ये शिवे सर्वार्थसाधिके ।शरण्ये त्र्यम्बके गौरि नारायणि नमोऽस्तु ते ॥Sarva-Manggala-Maanggalye Shive Sarvaartha-Saadhike |
Sharannye Tryambake Gauri Naaraayanni Namostu Te |
सर्वमङ्गलमाङ्गल्ये - To auspiciousness of all auspiciousness
शिवे ------------------ To the Good
सर्वार्थसाधिके -----–-- To the accomplisher of all objectives
शरण्ये ---------------- To the Source of Refuge
त्र्यम्बके -------------- To the mother of the three worlds.
गौरि ------------------ To the Goddess who is Rays of Light
नारायणि -------------- Exposer of consciousness
नमोऽस्तु ते ------------We bow to you again and again.
We worship you.
*** Kamashi Devi Shakti Peeth --- Tamil Nadu ***The Kamashi Devi temple is a famous Hindu temple dedicated to Kamashi , one of the forms of the goddess Paravati .It is located in the historic city of Kanchipuram in the state of Tamil Nadu India. The temple was most probably built by the Pallava kings , who capital was , Kanchipuram around 6 CE. The original Kamashi devi temple is what is presently known as Adi Peeteswari or the Adi Peeta Parameswari .
Adi Shankaracharya, the famous 8th-century CE scholar and saint, established the Sri Chakra at this original Kamakshi Devi temple in the trough-like structure in that shrine, This Sri Chakra soon became the All India famous Kamakoti Peeta.
Sri Kamashi Devi Mandir is a place where the yogic posture of Goddess Sati fallen on earth.he main deity, Kamakshi Devi is seated in a majestic Padmasana, an yogic posture signifying peace and prosperity, instead of the traditional standing pose. The goddess holds a sugarcane bow and bunch of flowers in the lower two of her arms and has a pasha (lasso), an ankusha (goad) in her upper two arms. There is also a parrot perched near the flower bunch
*** Shankari devi Sakthi Peedam ***Sri Shankari Devi Mandir is one of the 51 Shakthi Peedam located at Trimkomali in Sri Lanka. This is one of the oldest temples of Goddess Adi Shakthi, regrettably there is no place of worship inexistence as it was broken down by the Portuguese invaders during 16th & 17th Century.
The legend has that there was a time the Mount Himalaya and its surroundings were under the abstract control of the demons. They harassed the life of deities and sages, they all appealed to Lord Vishnu. As instructed by Lord Vishnu, all the spiritual energies of the deities turned into a flame and as desired by the deities and Sages Goddess Sri Sati was rose from the flame and she was brought up by Daksha Prajapathi. Later, she married was to Lord Shiva against the will of her father.
A Grand Yagna was conducted by Dakshaprajapathi ended in disaster, his own daughter Goddess Sri Sati had to sacrifice her life in the sacrificial fire. This catastrophic incident brought trepidation amongst the deities. Inconsolable Lord Shiva carried the lifeless body of Goddess Sri Sati and wandered on the Earth for several years. The functions of Trinities to protect the Universe were shattered. All the deities were frightened about the terrible consequences and appealed to Lord Vishnu. Lord Vishnu’ dice chopped off the lifeless body of Goddess Sri Sati into several parts to diffuse the grief of Lord Shiva and each part fell into the different parts of the Earth. The places where the body parts of Goddess Sri Sati fallen on the Earth were turned into ‘Shakthi Sthal/Shakthi Peedam’. Sri Shankari Devi Mandir is the place where the groin of Goddess Sri Sati fallen on the Earth.
It is said every dark cloud has a silver lining ,But i say every cloud is ultimately just like a passing thought in the mind of the great thinker, the pure consciousness itself, Shva who is Himself unpassed.We must know this and repose in that pure consciousness. The clouds are bound to drift away.Aum Namah Shivaya!Shail Gulhati
NAV YATRASYes, i know, the word for these pious days is Navratras, i know that a huge lot of people worship Durga, the divine mother, with a tremendous amount of faith for eight days, One vidya (a form with name and attribute) for each day has goddess Durga! And its culminating festival is Ramnavmi .
Adepts and devotees alike throng their favourite sanctorums,chanting mantras , waving artis in platters,distributing alms, in a bid to be noticed by the almighty Goddess. And these celebrations are our heritage, we must carry them out to the best of our individual capacities. But it is equally important to live the spirit of the holy ,sacred nights into our lives. Since Ma Durga whom we worship, is the most intelligent being of all, she would easily see through a superficial act, a formality as we say, when someone does something just because it is expected, and not because he or she is actually involved in the spirit of doing so. If we give alms to kanchuks (young girls), but do not honour the feminity in them, we treat girls as lesser beings, perpetrate dowry,encourage female infanticide, and so on, i can assure you, no one is going to be more angry than Durga riding her fierce lion... When it comes to Ramnavmi, we all talk about Ram rajya, we all want Ram rajya, but without understanding what it really stands for .It is a universal term that means happiness for all, including Lord Ram Himself. So, when we do not all attempt to direct our lives towards harmony, leaving only God Ram to go about his dispositions of doing everything for us, we sometimes land up being very harsh,sitting on judgement, to the extent of even putting Lord Ram's loved one on trial! And history bears evidence,we come out with this very sadistic side, especially when it comes to the treatment of the very ones who come for upliftment. Has anybody forgotten what we, as mankind, have done to Sita, Jesus, Mahavir, joan of arc? Isn't it ironic that not Ravana, but the own people of Lord Ram eventually managed to separate Sri Ram from his most beloved Sita? We all love Sri Ram , but an unbearable separation from his wife is what we manage to deliver onto him,we love Jesus,but we err so much in our judgement, we actually put him to the cross, We adore Mahavir, and only put nails in his ears to check his tapas,these are the demonic tendencies we have shown in the past….why talk of just Ravana or Mahisasur? We canonise joan as saint of arc, we only burnt her alive on the fire because a few hundred years ago, we thought she is a witch,the error is regretted! But,this is not like a newspaper item where we can issue a corrigendum, we will have to change our own approach into the necessary correction. Till today, honest to God, we love our own daughters, but the other's daughters who must one day enter our homes as brides ,are worth only the gold they bring. Can you see where we go wrong? When we dont keep the spirit of worship in our lives as a permanent feature. When, immediately after the festival, we resume our sadistic nature alongside our mundane routine, When we leave Durga in her temple after the Navmi, when we don’t acknowledge her presence in these little durgas, our own daughters in our midst. When we feel that the king must set great examples, but we, acting like the irresponsible dhobi can blabber anything we want, and Lord Ram will correct that with his own sacrifice! If this is all well known to all of us, when will we rid ourselves of demonic tendencies when will we learn to live sagaciously, not just put up an act? when will we embark on new paths? when will we begin to love all the daughters as devis? i suggest now! Don’t let go of these Navratras without paying Real homage to Devi Ma, Don’t let these Navratras go with ordinary worship, do something unique, become divya(divine) yourself, so that Devi is pleased.Aum Namah Shivaye! Jai Mata Di!
Lord Shiva
in Dhyana. He is the Greatest Master of flight via stillness! The mystic realm is such: somethings you can only see when you close your eyes. Some discoveries only emerge when you Dive within!Shail Gulhati
Life is too short life is eternalThe realization that life is very short brings dynamism in your life. Unwanted things will fall off as well as distractions. When you have to be acting or putting out effort, know that life is short. When you are expecting a result, then you are often frustrated. The ignorant person does it the other way: He hurries for the result and is impatient. Impatience goes away when you know that life is eternal. When you are looking for a return of a favor from someone or a result from your good deed, you want it quickly. When you realize life is short, procrastination falls away. But when you know that there are many lifetimes, you realize that if you don't get it sooner, you get it later. Wake up and see your life is too short. Time is running so what are you doing with your life? Is it being useful to you and the world around you? Realize life is too short. WAKE UP! LIFE IS ETERNAL!
When you want to enjoy the fruit of action know that life is eternal. When it comes to hope, you should know that there are many lifetimes. When you are looking for results, know that time is eternal. If someone doesn't thank you or takes advantage of you, thank them because they will pay you back later with interest. So no one needs to feel sorry that they have been taken advantage of or unappreciated. Know that they will have to be paying you back in the future with interest! When it comes to enjoying the fruit of your actions, good deeds or even blessings, know that life is eternal. Anytime that you are in a hurry, you cannot enjoy. So know that life is eternal.
Life is a combination of both (destiny and chance). There is a little role played by our destiny, and a greater part played by our free will also. So it is never either this or that alone.
Om Namah Shivay
The SuitcaseA man died, when he realized it, he saw God coming closer with a suitcase in his hand.- God said: Alright son its time to go.- surprised the man responded: Now? So soon? I had a lot of plans...- I'm sorry but its time to go.
- What do you have in that suitcase? the man asked.
- God answered: Your belongings.
- My belongings? you mean my things, my clothes, my money?
-God answered: Those things were not yours they belonged to the earth.
- Is it my memories? the man asked.
-God answered: those never belonged to you they belonged to Time
- Is it my talents?
-God answered: those were never yours they belonged to the circumstances.
- Is it my friends and family?
-God answered: I'm sorry they were never yours they belonged to the path.
- Is it my wife and son?
- God answered: They were never yours they belonged to your heart.
- Is it my body?
- God answered: that was never yours it belonged to the dust.
-Is it my soul?
God answered: No that is mine.
Full of fear, the man took the suitcase from god and opened it just to find out the suitcase was empty.
- With a tear coming down his cheek the man said: I never had anything???
-God answered: that is correct, every moment you lived were only yours. Life is just a moment. a moment that belongs to you. For this reason enjoy this time while you have it. Don't let anything that you think you own stop you from doing so.
-Live Now
-Live your life
- Don't forget to be happy, that is the only thing that matters.
- Material things and everything else that you fought for stay here.
Enjoy every second you live.
Om Namah Shivay
EpilogueRomaharshana said to the sages who had assembled in naimisharanya, "Many years ago, the great Veda Vyasa had recited the adi Purana to sages. The sages had been delighted to learn the wisdom that was in the great Brahma Purana. Whatever Veda Vyasa had told those sages, I have now recited before you. Everyone should listen to a recital of this Purana, be he a householder or a hermit."A brahmana who listens to a recital of the Brahma Purana becomes learned, a kshatriya becomes victorious, a vaishya becomes rich and a shudra achieves happiness. One who listens to the recital faithfully attains all his wishes. The fruits of listening to such a recital are superior to visiting the most holy of tirthas or performing the most difficult of yajnas.
Romaharshana blessed the sages and returned to his own hermitage, with the express injunction that the secrets of the Purana should never be divulged to atheists who did not believe in God.
Om Namah Shivay
GeniusThere is a story about how Albert Einstein was traveling to universities, giving lectures on his famous theory of relativity. One day while on their way to a university,The driver said:" Dr. Einstein, I've heard that lecture more than 30 times. I have learned it by heart and bet I could give it myself.""Well, I'll give you the chance," said Einstein,"They don't know me at the next school, so when we get there I'll put on your cap and you introduce yourself as me and give the lecture." Einstein continued.
At the hall, the driver gave Einstein's lecture so wonderfully that he didn't make any mistakes.
When he finished, he started to leave, but one of the professors stopped him and asked him a question which was very difficult. The aim of the question was not gaining knowledge but embarrassing Einstein.
The driver thought fast.
"The answer to that problem is so simple," he said,
"I'm surprised you have to ask me. In fact, to show you just how simple it is, I'm going to ask my driver to come up here and answer your question."!
Then Einstein stood up and gave an incredible answer to the question of that professor.
Moral of the story: No matter how genius you pretend to be, there is always someone who is more genius than you despite his position.
Om Namah Shivay
Q. How To Deal With Humiliation?Guruji : Know that humiliation does not weaken you -- it strengthens you.When you have a sense of belongingness, you don't feel humiliated. The more egotistic you are, the more humiliation you feel. When you are childlike and have a greater sense of kinship then you don't feel humiliated.When you are committed to truth and not to your ego then you also don't feel humiliated.If you are afraid of humiliation, you can neither make progress in your material life nor in your spiritual life. When you stand above humiliation, you get closer to the Self - to God. When you are steeped in love, with the Existence, with the Divine, nothing whatsoever can humiliate you.
So, the way out of humiliation is:
• Get humiliated!
• Be childlike
• Be crazy
• Get steeped in love with the Divine
• Total commitment to Truth-Knowledge
Om Namah Shivay
This Too Shall Pass –UNDERSTAND THIS DEEPLYOnce a king called upon all of his wise men and asked them,” Is there a mantra or suggestion which works in every situation, in every circumstance, in every place and in every time. In every joy, every sorrow, every defeat and every victory? One answer for all questions? Something which can help me when none of you is available to advise me? Tell me is there any mantra?”All the wise men were puzzled by the King’s question. They thought and thought. After a lengthy discussion, an old man suggested something which appealed to all of them. They went to the king and gave him something written on paper, with a condition that the king was not to see it out of curiosity.
Only in extreme danger, when the King finds himself alone and there seems to be no way, only then he can see it. The King put the papers under his Diamond ring.
Sometime later, the neighbors attacked the Kingdom. King and his army fought bravely but lost the battle. The King had to flee on his horse. The enemies were following him. Getting closer and closer. Suddenly the King found himself standing at the end of the road - that road was not going anywhere. Underneath there was a rocky valley thousand feet deep. If he jumped into it, he would be finished…and he could not return because it was a small road…the sound of enemy’s horses was approaching fast. The King became restless. There seemed to be no way.
Then suddenly he saw the Diamond in his ring shining in the sun, and he remembered the message hidden in the ring. He opened the diamond and read the message. The message was - ” THIS TOO SHALL PASS”
The King read it. Again read it. Suddenly something struck him- Yes ! This too will pass. Only a few days ago, I was enjoying my kingdom. I was the mightiest of all the Kings. Yet today, the Kingdom and all his pleasure have gone. I am here trying to escape from enemies. Like those days of luxuries have gone, this day of danger too will pass. A calm came on his face. He kept standing there. The place where he was standing was full of natural beauty. He had never known that such a beautiful place was also a part of his Kingdom.
The revelation of the message had a great effect on him. He relaxed and forgot about those following him. After a few minutes he realized that the noise of the horses and the enemy coming was receding. They moved into some other part of the mountains and were nowhere near him.
The King was very brave. He reorganized his army and fought again. He defeated the enemy and regained his empire. When he returned to his empire after victory, he was received with much fanfare. The whole capital was rejoicing in the victory.
Everyone was in a festive mood. Flowers were being showered on the King from every house, from every corner. People were dancing and singing. For a moment King said to himself,” I am one of the bravest and greatest King. It is not easy to defeat me. With all the reception and celebration he saw an ego emerging in him.
Suddenly the Diamond of his ring flashed in the sunlight and reminded him of the message. He opened it and read it again: “THIS TOO SHALL PASS”.
He became silent. His face went through a total change - from the egoist he moved to a state of utter humbleness. If this too is going to pass, it is not yours. The defeat was not yours, the victory is not yours. You are just a watcher. Everything passes by. We are witnesses of all this. We are the perceivers. Life comes and goes. Happiness comes and goes. Sorrow comes and goes.
Now as you have read this story, just sit silently and evaluate your own life. This too will pass. Think of the moments of joy and victory in your life. Think of the moment of Sorrow and defeat. Are they permanent? They all come and pass away.
Life just passes away. There is nothing permanent in this world. Everything changes except the law of change. Think over it from your own perspective. You have seen all the changes. You have survived all setbacks, all defeats and all sorrows. All have passed away. The problems in the present, they too will pass away. Because nothing remains forever. Joy and sorrow are the two faces of the same coin. They both will pass away.
You are just a witness of change. Experience it, understand it, and enjoy the present moment - this too shall pass
Om Namah Shivay
Lord Shiva Is My World's Best Friend..¤°.¸¸.•´¯`»Jai BholeBaba«´¯`•.¸¸.°¤
Siva and Vishnu are OneA Saivite is a devotee of Lord Siva. A Vaishnavite is a devotee Of Lord Vishnu. Upasana means worship or sitting near God. Upasaka is one who does Upasana. Upasana or Aradhana leads to realisation of God. A bigoted Virasaivite entertains hatred towards Lord Vishnu, Vaishnavites and Puranas which treat of Vishnu. He never enters a Vishnu temple. He never drinks water from a Vaishnavite. He never takes food with a Vaishnavite. He never repeats the name of Hari. He speaks ill of Lord Hari, Vaishnavites and Vishnu Purana. He thinks that Lord Siva is superior to Lord Vishnu. He never reads Vishnu Purana. Is this not the height of folly? Is this not extreme ignorance? He has not understood the true nature of Lord Siva. He has no idea of true religion. He is a fanatic, a bigot, a man of little understanding, a narrow sectarian, with a very small constricted heart. He is like a frog in the well which has no idea of the vast ocean.
A bigoted Vira Vaishnavite entertains hatred towards Lord Siva, Saivites and Siva Puranas which treat of Lord Siva. He never enters a Siva temple. He never makes friendship with a Saivite. He never drinks water from the hands of a Saivite. He also behaves exactly like the Virasaivite. The lot of this man is also highly deplorable.
There is a temple in Sankaranarayanar Koil in the Tirunelveli district (Tamilnadu), where the idol has one half of it depicted as Siva and the other half as Vishnu. The inner significance of this is that Lord Siva and Lord Vishnu are one. Sri Sankaracharya also has said in very clear terms that Siva and Vishnu are the one all-pervading Soul.
On one occasion, a Virasaivite entered the temple in Sankaranarayanar Koil to worship the Lord. He offered incense. He plugged the nostrils of Vishnu with the cotton as the fumes were entering His nose also. After that a Vira Vaishnavite entered the temple and he also offered incense. He plugged the nostrils of Siva as the fumes were entering His nose also. Such is the bigotry and narrow-mindedness of sectarians. A devotee should have a large, broad heart. He must see his tutelary deity in all aspects of the Lord and in all forms. He can have intense love for his Ishtam in the beginning, to intensify his devotion for that particular deity (Prema-nishtha), but he should have equal devotion to the other forms of the Lord also.
Siva and Vishnu are one and the same entity. They are essentially one and the same. They are the names given to the different aspects of the all-pervading Supreme Soul or the Absolute. ‘Sivasya hridayam vishnur-vishnoscha hridayam sivah—Vishnu is the heart of Siva and likewise Siva is the heart of Vishnu’.
The sectarian worship is of recent origin. The Saiva Siddhanta of Kantacharya is only five hundred years old. The Vaishnava cults of Madhva and Sri Ramanuja are only six hundred and seven hundred years old respectively. There was no sectarian worship before seven hundred years.
Brahma represents the creative aspect; Vishnu, the preservative aspect; and Siva, the destructive aspect of Paramatman. This is just like your wearing different garbs on different occasions. When you do the function of a judge, you put on one kind of dress. At home you wear another kind of dress. When you do worship in the temple, you wear another kind of dress. You exhibit different kinds of temperament on different occasions. Even so, the Lord does the function of creation when He is associated with Rajas, and He is called Brahma. He preserves the world when He is associated with Sattva Guna, and He is called Vishnu. He destroys the world when He is associated with Tamo-Guna, and He is called Siva or Rudra.
Brahma, Vishnu and Siva have been correlated to the three Avasthas or states of consciousness. During the waking state, Sattva predominates. During the dream state Rajas predominates and during the deep sleep state Tamas predominates. Hence Vishnu, Brahma and Siva are the Murtis of Jagrat, Svapna and Sushupti states of consciousness respectively. The Turiya or the fourth state is Para Brahman. The Turiya state is immediately next to the deep sleep state. Worship of Siva will lead quickly to the attainment of the fourth state.
Vishnu Purana glorifies Vishnu and in some places gives a lower position to Siva. Siva Purana glorifies Siva and gives a lower status to Vishnu. Devi Bhagavata glorifies Devi and gives a lower status to Brahma, Vishnu and Siva. This is only to instil and intensify devotion for the respective deity in the hearts of the devotees. In reality, no deity is superior to another. You must understand the heart of the writer.
May you all realise the oneness of Siva and Vishnu! May you all be endowed with pure subtle intellect and proper understanding!
Source: Lord Shiva and His Worship by SRI SWAMI SIVANANDA
HAVE YOU EVER WONDERED THAT:-Why lord shiva fell at Goddess Kali's feet?It happened once, that the world was threatened by the Asuras (demons). The demons rallied together to overthrow the gods and gain control of the earth. The leader of this uprising was Raktabija, the demon-general. Through the practice of austerities, Raktabija was granted a boon. This boon, granted by Brahma, allowed Raktabija's power to increase by a thousand every time a drop of his blood was spilled.
The demon soldiers, led by Raktabija, came forth and the gods trembled with outrage. The demons ravaged the earth and its inhabitants. Who would rid the world of this monster? In desperation the gods turned to their Shakti (female energy) counterparts. The great and beautiful goddess Durga stepped forward. She had protected them before and was obliged to do it again. Armed with the weapons of the gods, Durga rode into battle on a tiger, her champion mount. She switched goddess forms many time during battle, slaying demon soldiers as quickly as they advanced until all that remained was the demon-general.
The battle between Raktabija and the Devi ensued. Durga charged again and again; Raktabija's blood spilled everywhere. From each drop of blood a thousand more demons like him sprang up. Full armies arose from the puddles of Raktabija's blood. Demons advanced on the goddess by the thousands. They rode on elephants and horse drawn chariots. They laughed and shouted at the goddess' dilemma. Upon seeing this, Durga became enraged. She knitted her brows in absolute fury. From this concentration came Kali, the Terrible One.
The whole universe shook with the thundering roar of this powerfully terrible goddess. Those demons who stood nearest the mighty Devi were consumed within the roaring rage of energy. Kali emerged, naked except for a covering of tiger skin. Her skin was of the deepest black, and hung loosely on Her bones. This mad skeleton of a hag was armed with a skull topped staff, a noose, and the sword of Vengeance. She appeared most frightening with her blood red eyes,sunken deep into her skull, wild with raw power anxious to be unleashed and a third eye flaming brilliantly from her forehead. Her entangled black hair blew wildly about Her shoulders.
She turned her furious gaze upon the demon armies, half fell lifeless from the deadly grip of Her stare. She let out a loud and petrifying shriek and more fell dead to the ground at Kali's feet. With wild cackling, She advanced on Her enemies. She reached out with her claw-like hands and shoveled some of the remaining demons into her gaping mouth.
The rest turned away in fear of this ferocious Devi. The skies were filled with the sound of Her shrieking laughter. But Kali didn't stop at that. She stretched out Her bright red tongue and swallowed all of the elephants and their riders as they tried to run. The horse drawn chariots disappeared with another mouthful into the abyss of Dark Goddess.
With his armies fully destroyed, again the great Devi faced off with Raktabija. Kali pierced the demon in the side and quickly caught the flowing blood with her tongue and drank it greedily. The life energy of Rakatibija flowed out with his dripping blood like wine from a bottle. This time he was not given the chance to raise more demons from his blood. He was helpless in the face of this terrifying hag. Kali lifted him high in the air so she could more easily drain the blood from his body. Finally, drunken with the blood of victory, Kali, threw away the demon-general's corpse. The world was saved. . . . .almost.
It was time for Kali to begin her victory dance among the demon corpses. By now She was drunk from Raktabija's blood and the effect it had on Her caused her to dance wildly. As She danced She threw Her head back and again filled the skies with her shrill cackling.
Her terrible laughter drew the attention of the gods who then came to see the outcome of the battle. They watched as she weaved in and out between the bodies of the demons. As she went she snatched up tokens of victory. From the demon hands she created a belt and from their heads she fashioned a garland which she wore around her neck. Her dancing grew more and more frenzied as she slipped into a trance. Her feet pounded out destruction with each step upon the earth.
Soon the demon corpses were reduced to mush, yet Kali continued dancing. It seemed as though nothing would stop Her, and again the world was on the verge of collapse. Something had to be done,and soon. The gods begged Shiva to intervene and calm Kali before it was too late.
Shiva did not yet believe that the world would be destroyed. As Lord of the Dance, He himself was enjoying the fine display of dancing. He laughed and waved the other gods away. "Let Kali enjoy herself,"he said, "Her job was well done."That was right before he was unseated by the thunderous pounding of Kali's dance. When he attempted to right himself, another foot step from the Devi sent him flying in the air. He then understood the full force of what was taking place. He hurried down to the other gods. They again beseeched him to do something.Shiva called out to Kali, but She could not hear him, such was the fever that raced through Her. She continued pounding what was left of demon flesh into oblivion. She rattled her staff and shook her great head. Her hair whipped wildly about causing great winds to carry off a few of the gods that were near by. She turned about, and lifted her arms to the sky, laughing crazily all the while. Nothing could stop this display of raw energy.
Shiva called out again, but again His words went unheard. Finally in an act of complete desperation, Shiva threw Himself down beneath Her feet.Kali continued her frenzied dancing, pounding the life out of her husband. It was a few moments more before She realized that it was indeed Her husband, Shiva, who lay flattened at Her feet. This quickly brought Her out of Her trance, and She was once more the calm Devi.
Once more the world was saved from total destruction. Shiva's quick and selfless thinking had balanced the Devi's dance of destruction. With the world now safe, the gods returned to their regular routines.Share your thoughts if you have heard about this story. How you feel about it!
By Vivek Kumar
* You Know What A B C D --- ? Is *A=AmbeB=BhawaniC=ChamundaD=Durga
T=Tripura Sundari
Read ABCD as many times as you can .
~~~~ JAY MATA DI ~~~~~
!!HaPpY NaVraTri In Advance !!
*** Wish You Happy #Vikram Samvat 2071 ****** Mata Shailputri – First Day Of Navratri ***Mata #Shailputri is the first avatar of durga and she is thedaughter of Parvata raj (mountain king) – Himalaya / Himvanth. She is the first among nine avatars of Durga and worshiped on the First day of Navaratri . In her previous birth, she was ‘Sati Bhavani Mata’, the daughter of King Daksha. Mata Shailputri, also known as Parvati got married with Lord Shiva. On the first day of Durga Navratri, Paravathi Devi she is worshipped. Mata Shailputri holds a ‘Trishul’, a weapon, in her right hand and a lotus in her left hand. She rides on bull. She has pleasant smile and blissful looks.
Powerful Mantra of Durga :
ॐ ऐं ह्रीं क्लीं चामुण्डायै विच्चे
Om Aing Hreeng Kleeng Chamundaayai Viche
Chant as many times as you can
.................Wish You Happy Vikram Samvat 2071 ................On the eve of Chaitra #Navratri we will be posting 18 Maha Shakti Peethas pics & description as a tribute to Mother Durga . It is celebrated as #Gudhi Padwa in Maharashtra, #Ugadi in Karnataka , Andhra Pradesh. #Navreh in Kashmir, #Baisakhi in Punjab , #Cheti Chand in Sindh , #Naba Barsha in Bengal, #GoruBihu in Assam, #Puthandu in Tamil Nadu, #Vishu in Kerala.
* New Year Begins Tomorrow as per Hindu Calendar *Hindu calendar is a collective name for most of the lunisolar calendars and solar calendars used in India since ancient times.First day of the Chaitra month to mark the beginning of the New year according to the lunisolar Hindu calendar. The beginning of spring and the beginning of autumn are considered to be important junctions of climatic and solar influences. These two periods are taken as sacred opportunities for the worship of the Divine Mother Durga.'
The Hindus of Kashmir start their new year - #Navreh .At the same time, the southern Indian states of Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh begin their new year - #Ugadi. The Marathas celebrate their new year #Gudi Padwa, and the Sindhis observe #ChetiChand, the coming of new year, during the same time.
This day is also the first day of Chaitra #Navratri .On the eve of Chaitra #Navratri we will be posting 51 shaktipeeth pics & description as a tribute to Mother Durga during nine days .