That was the moment of decision. When Shiva stood atop His hill with Sati in His arms, wondering if anyone deserved to live when She was dead.
Time stood still.
The world shivered. Devas shivered, Brahma shivered, Vishnu shivered. Shivering in Shiva’s wrath had become the new extension of the presence of Shiva.
Something they had not seen before, but a vague and very uncomfortable feeling told them that the end of the Universe was near.
“Pralaya,” spoke Indra. “Pralaya,” chorused the Devas. They feared their own death which seemed inevitable.
“O Mahadeva, save us from Pralaya, save us from your own wrath!”
But the ganas spoke a different language. “Dissolute it all, O Mahadeva,” bellowed Nandi.“We don’t wish to live without our Mother.”
Always teams, always, different prayers for different reasons, always, a duality, Shiva noted even in His grim cognition.
A million thoughts went through His mind, a million scenes; landscapes, memories, histories of the entire universe, how just for the sake of love, He had created it all, along with His beloved Shakti. How, right in the beginning, He had told Her that He did not need any Universe, that She was His Universe, and they could spend an eternity like this.
Time stood still.
The world shivered. Devas shivered, Brahma shivered, Vishnu shivered. Shivering in Shiva’s wrath had become the new extension of the presence of Shiva.
Something they had not seen before, but a vague and very uncomfortable feeling told them that the end of the Universe was near.
“Pralaya,” spoke Indra. “Pralaya,” chorused the Devas. They feared their own death which seemed inevitable.
“O Mahadeva, save us from Pralaya, save us from your own wrath!”
But the ganas spoke a different language. “Dissolute it all, O Mahadeva,” bellowed Nandi.“We don’t wish to live without our Mother.”
Always teams, always, different prayers for different reasons, always, a duality, Shiva noted even in His grim cognition.
A million thoughts went through His mind, a million scenes; landscapes, memories, histories of the entire universe, how just for the sake of love, He had created it all, along with His beloved Shakti. How, right in the beginning, He had told Her that He did not need any Universe, that She was His Universe, and they could spend an eternity like this.
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