Hope you all Started your day with hymns and chants praising the bravest of the brave, Lord Hanuman. Mantras praising Lord Hanuman energise you for the rest of the day...... Ram Ram Ram ~ Jai Mahavir Hanuman! Hanuman Ji is a ideal devotee of lord Rama. He has all qualities of a perfect sevak. He is a perfect brahmachari in all respects. Because of His devotion, He is worshiped more than Lord Ram Himself. Hanuman means perfect Devotee. Hanuman Ji represents the ultimate example of Love of a disciple and perfect devotee who is fully immersed in carrying out orders of his master. He represents also a perfected mind. The mind has been compared to a monkey in many holy texts because of its restlessness and tendency to jump from one thought to another. But If this mind can be directed towards God then it can achieve great feats with ease and remain elevated. All those great accomplishments Hanuman ji did were by his constant prayers and devotion to Lord Rama. In the Bhagawat Gita, Krishna says that the mind can be one’s best friend or one’s worst enemy. Let us pray to Hanumanji to help us reach that perfected state of mind. Once Lord Rama asked Lord Hanuman, 'How do you see me?' Lord Hanuman replied, ‘If I see myself as a physical body, then I see myself as your servant'. 'When I see myself at the level of a Jeeva, soul, I see myself as a part of you'. Further Lord Hanuman Ji says ‘When I see myself as the Self or Consciousness, I see that there is no difference at all between You and me. You are what I am, and I am what you are." Jai Shri Ram ~ Jai Rudra Ke Roop Hanuman! ๐๐ป๐๐ป
Om Namah Shivaya ~ Beautiful Weekend To You All, Lovely People!
Love, Light & Peace ๐๐ป ๐๐ป
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