She appeared daily, without fail, at the end of each meditation. So much so, He had come to know Her as the end of all things.
But She never manifested even once outside the meditations.
That is what Rudra started wanting: For Sati to actually manifest.
When the want becomes so much, it happens. One day, She came in His meditation and even as He stared at Her, She returned the stare with an enchanting smile. She didn’t go away, like always. Rudra edged His way towards Her.
“Who are you?” He finally asked.
“I am you, Rudra,” She said. “But to make things simpler, I am Sati.”
“This is going totally over me,” said Rudra. “What are you saying?”
“I am your eternal wife, your love, and as you say so many times- your life,” said Sati. “But you will remember all this only when you are Shiva again, Rudra.”
“Try to go back to the future, my Lord, where I await you and where we are always.”
“Where we are always? Where am I?” asked Rudra. “This is Kailash, is it not?”
“Yes, it is. We never left. But you need to go look into the future.
Be Shiva, Rudra,” said Sati enigmatically.
Shiva!! On Sati’s saying of the name, a tinkling of bells began, joined by chimes from across the snowy vales, growing into a crescendo. It seemed also that visually, the mountains became surreal, suddenly reflecting each other on their snowy chests.
Sati started becoming larger than all the images towering over the mountains. Towering over all, almost covering the entire landscape in a panorama, and yet, She was sliding away into the background. Rudra felt a fear that He would lose Her.
He began to swoon.
But She never manifested even once outside the meditations.
That is what Rudra started wanting: For Sati to actually manifest.
When the want becomes so much, it happens. One day, She came in His meditation and even as He stared at Her, She returned the stare with an enchanting smile. She didn’t go away, like always. Rudra edged His way towards Her.
“Who are you?” He finally asked.
“I am you, Rudra,” She said. “But to make things simpler, I am Sati.”
“This is going totally over me,” said Rudra. “What are you saying?”
“I am your eternal wife, your love, and as you say so many times- your life,” said Sati. “But you will remember all this only when you are Shiva again, Rudra.”
“Try to go back to the future, my Lord, where I await you and where we are always.”
“Where we are always? Where am I?” asked Rudra. “This is Kailash, is it not?”
“Yes, it is. We never left. But you need to go look into the future.
Be Shiva, Rudra,” said Sati enigmatically.
Shiva!! On Sati’s saying of the name, a tinkling of bells began, joined by chimes from across the snowy vales, growing into a crescendo. It seemed also that visually, the mountains became surreal, suddenly reflecting each other on their snowy chests.
Sati started becoming larger than all the images towering over the mountains. Towering over all, almost covering the entire landscape in a panorama, and yet, She was sliding away into the background. Rudra felt a fear that He would lose Her.
He began to swoon.
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