It is He who destroys Time at the Great Dissolution, of Whom even Fear and Death itself are afraid.
He is Bhagavan, Who is known as Yat Tat in the Vedanta.
O Adored of the Devas! all the Devas and Devis , the whole universe, from Brahma to a blade of grass, are His forms .
If He be pleased, the Universe is pleased. If aught be done to gratify Him, then the gratification of All is caused.
As the pouring of water at the root of a tree satisfies the wants of the leaves and branches, so by worshipping Him all the Deathless Ones are satisfied.
Just as, O Virtuous One! all the beautiful Ones are pleased when Thou art worshipped and when men meditate on and make Japa and pray to Thee.
As all rivers must go to the ocean, so, O Parvati! all acts of worship must reach Him as the ultimate goal.
Whoever be the worshipper, and whoever be the Devata, he reverentially worships for some desired end, all that is given to him through the Deva he so worships comes from Him as the Supreme.
Oh, what use is it to say more before Thee, O My Beloved?
There is none other but Him to meditate upon, to pray to, to worship for the attainment of liberation. Need there is none to trouble, to fast, to torture one’s body, to follow rules and customs, to make large offerings; need there is none to be heedful as to time nor as to Nyasa or Mudra, wherefore, O Kuleshani! who will strive to seek shelter elsewhere than with Him ~ (MAHANIRVANA TANTRA )
He is Bhagavan, Who is known as Yat Tat in the Vedanta.
O Adored of the Devas! all the Devas and Devis , the whole universe, from Brahma to a blade of grass, are His forms .
If He be pleased, the Universe is pleased. If aught be done to gratify Him, then the gratification of All is caused.
As the pouring of water at the root of a tree satisfies the wants of the leaves and branches, so by worshipping Him all the Deathless Ones are satisfied.
Just as, O Virtuous One! all the beautiful Ones are pleased when Thou art worshipped and when men meditate on and make Japa and pray to Thee.
As all rivers must go to the ocean, so, O Parvati! all acts of worship must reach Him as the ultimate goal.
Whoever be the worshipper, and whoever be the Devata, he reverentially worships for some desired end, all that is given to him through the Deva he so worships comes from Him as the Supreme.
Oh, what use is it to say more before Thee, O My Beloved?
There is none other but Him to meditate upon, to pray to, to worship for the attainment of liberation. Need there is none to trouble, to fast, to torture one’s body, to follow rules and customs, to make large offerings; need there is none to be heedful as to time nor as to Nyasa or Mudra, wherefore, O Kuleshani! who will strive to seek shelter elsewhere than with Him ~ (MAHANIRVANA TANTRA )
Har Har Mahadev ~ Boom Shankar!! ๐๐ป๐๐ป
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