Thursday, 5 May 2016

Life is like a butterfly, you have to go through changes before you become something beautiful.

ૐ The Shiva Tribe ૐ's photo.

Today a caterpillar, tomorrow a butterfly. Life is like a butterfly, you have to go through changes before you become something beautiful. Don't lose hope because you never know what tomorrow will bring. 🍁🌿 Namaste Beautiful People. It's time for Thursday Thoughts and Wisdom. 🙏🏻🍃💞Yes, Our lives are journeys to this same type of metamorphosis, to find a sense of purpose in life. We cannot achieve this without the difficult situations or the pain that life often brings in generous doses. Each one of us has had to let go of a dream, compromise, and experience pain and the entire gamut of emotions that an undesirable change can bring. But by no means did it ever spell the end of all dreams. Give time some time. Be patient while going through struggles. The seemingly impossible situation might have plunged you into the deep abyss of hopelessness; but remember without struggles you can't emerge as the beautiful creature its meant to be. If you stay true to your conscience and live your life the way you believe it should be, you can be rest assured of this: Every bad experience, painful relationship, and compromise you’ve ever made in good conscience will somehow transform into a beautiful inner reservoir of spiritual gifts and blessings. Trust Shiva. There’s a higher purpose behind every seemingly impossible and difficult phase. Believe in yourself, even if the world around you doesn’t. If you don’t, who will? Hold onto what you believe in. You’re meant to emerge as a beautiful butterfly from your chrysalis. Always remember that, with a smile, and give yourself a chance to delight and revel in the mysterious workings of the universe!
Love, Light & Happiness ~ Hari Om Tat Sat ~ Boom Shankar ! 🙏🏻🙏🏻

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