And then, they spotted Her: from the fumes of Sati’s pyre, arose a dark form.
It was Kali, in Her most terrifying form. “My Lord! I am here to finish this creation, alongwith you!” She said and blew out fire from Her mouth, raising also a deathly scythe in Her hand. She beheaded dozens of men, clearing Veerbhadra’s access to Daksha.
Daksha began to run.
Veerbhadra ran after him, following him into the palace, and to the Royal Throne Hall.Daksha stumbled and fell at the pedestal of his own throne, at least two steps below his own seat.
“Stop it!” he said. “You cannot harm me, I am Shiva’s father-in-law and He will not allow this. He is your Master and you will listen to Him!”
“I am Shiva!” replied Veerbhadra, and I will not harm you. I will kill you, you vile wretch.
Daksha crawled for his life just like a worm in its last moments. It was true, Nandi was right. Shiva was Veerbhadra and He was going to kill him. And it was his arrogance, which had made the most merciful into the Master mercenary.
It was Kali, in Her most terrifying form. “My Lord! I am here to finish this creation, alongwith you!” She said and blew out fire from Her mouth, raising also a deathly scythe in Her hand. She beheaded dozens of men, clearing Veerbhadra’s access to Daksha.
Daksha began to run.
Veerbhadra ran after him, following him into the palace, and to the Royal Throne Hall.Daksha stumbled and fell at the pedestal of his own throne, at least two steps below his own seat.
“Stop it!” he said. “You cannot harm me, I am Shiva’s father-in-law and He will not allow this. He is your Master and you will listen to Him!”
“I am Shiva!” replied Veerbhadra, and I will not harm you. I will kill you, you vile wretch.
Daksha crawled for his life just like a worm in its last moments. It was true, Nandi was right. Shiva was Veerbhadra and He was going to kill him. And it was his arrogance, which had made the most merciful into the Master mercenary.
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