Almost everyone of us have been through a rough patch, a season in your life that is full of difficulty, drama and grief. Every one of us has personal struggles we face: conflicted relationships with friends or family, grief over death and perhaps a lot more. Life has not been a cakewalk for any of us. I struggled. You struggled. We all struggle. Series of problems and like life was conspiring against us. We wonder and ask "is this My bad karma biting me back? How will I survive?" We Wonder as the road gets bumpy, then bumpier and bumpier still. "Is God challenging my faith to see if I still believe in him no matter how long it takes. Is he testing my patience?" We cry and fight with HIM. My faith didn't waver. And your shouldn't waver too. Om Rudraya Namah, Om Vishnave Namah, I wanted to stay close to him! My unwavering faith always made me believe that HE will not give me anything that I can't handle. HE may not lessen my pain, he sure will give me strength to endure, the patience to stay calm amidst all the suffering! Faith!! If We see everything with human point of view we would get discouraged and defeated. Victory comes from seeing things with gods point of view. We must know that god loves us and desires the best for us. He gives us sufferings to guide us , to make us strong, to polish us. Always trust him. Pray to him, for the strength to endure. The strength to go on when You feel like You can’t take another step. The strength to trust when you are filled with doubt and fear. The strength to stand firm when everything is falling out. The strength to persevere in the faith to the end. The strength to rejoice, even in grief. The strength to believe in HIM, no matter what!! Love, Light & Peace ~ Hari Om Tat Sat ~ Har Har Mahadev! 🙏🏻🙏🏻
Namaste Beautiful Souls ~ Have an awesome Tuesday! 🙏🏻

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