Sunday 15 September 2013

Let us ask Shiva (-rudra) to provide us inspiration and guidance (-prachodayaat) in our spiritual journeys

Photo: Om Bhur Bhuvah Swaha ~ Om Tadpurushaaya Vidvamahe Mahadevaaya Dheemahi Tanno Rudra Prachodayaat~ Om. Let us invoke the three realms of earth (-bhur), wind (-bhuvah) and fire (-swaha). Aum. Let us invoke the superlative (-tad) male (-purusha) and omniscient lord (-vidvamahe). Let us meditate and focus upon (-dheemahi) the supreme (-maha) lord (-devaaya). Let us ask Shiva (-rudra) to provide us inspiration and guidance (-prachodayaat) in our spiritual journeys. <3  Om Namah Shivaya!

Om Bhur Bhuvah Swaha ~ Om Tadpurushaaya Vidvamahe Mahadevaaya Dheemahi Tanno Rudra Prachodayaat~ Om. Let us invoke the three realms of earth (-bhur), wind (-bhuvah) and fire (-swaha). Aum. Let us invoke the superlative (-tad) male (-purusha) and omniscient lord (-vidvamahe). Let us meditate and focus upon (-dheemahi) the supreme (-maha) lord (-devaaya). Let us ask Shiva (-rudra) to provide us inspiration and guidance (-prachodayaat) in our spiritual journeys.  Om Namah Shivaya!

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