Tuesday 24 September 2013

Lord Shiva and Parvati, have a timeless love.

Photo: Thanks Meena Vaidya for this pic of Lord Shiva and parvati in an intimate discussion.

Lord Shiva and Parvati, have a timeless love.They have been together even before Time itself, as Shiva shakti, prakasa vimarsa,which is the Ultimate Divine principle with its capacity to'create'
Shivji is God, the Father, and Parvati ji is Mother Nature.He is pure Being, and she is all becoming. Together they are transcendence and manifestaion, Yin and Yang, potential and kinetic energy.
It is said that Shivji is happy to be in Himself as shiva shakti, before the creation of the Universe. But Shakti, being a mother urges Him for the crreation of the world.For this act she is also called 'Hetu" the cause. Once the manifest Universe is created at her behest and by her,Shivji enters it as a Yogi, and shakti enters it as Parvati. The Kashmir Shaiv Darsana : Kashmir Shaivism school of shaiva philosophy, has a special name for the shivji who enters this world as a yogi, He is called UMA PATI NATH. One who gets married to Parvati.This corroborates with the understanding that Shaktiman is one who beholds Shakti. In other words, there is no Shiva without shakti, and no Shakti without Shiva. 
When the two timeless lovers meet, Vasant Ritu happens automatically, because they are the very spring of all Life! and from them all life cycles begin.
Jai Shiv Shanker, Jai jag janani!!
(shail gulhati)
painting in the pvt collection of the author,work 2 of a series of 5. by DevDass whos works adorn the Ranbirishwar temple at jammu)

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