Saturday 14 September 2013

The ways of the inventors

The ways of the inventorsLife is a not a straight line, it’s a curve. It has ups and downs. During some phases of life, we feel ourselves as the happiest people in the world, but when difficulties come by in a wave, we feel we are the saddest ones. Whenever we are happy, we see everything under our control, but during difficulties we find darkness everywhere. Somebody has well said, “Our brain is most powerful”. The secret of remaining happy lies upon how we think. Winston Churchill once said “A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.” We need to follow this. That is the line of action, in reality. This motivates us to change our negative thoughts into positive ones, and only then we can live a happy and successful life.

Just imagine where we would be today if Alexander Graham Bell hadn’t thought of a communication device, or Wright Brothers hadn’t thought of a flying device, and Benjamin Franklin hadn’t thought of electric energy. We would have been languishing in the stone age, if they hadn’t invented the telephone, airplane or electricity. These are just a few examples. If inventors hadn’t used their minds in the past, the modern-day gadgets that take for granted would have been merely day-dreaming. 

These people were able to use their creative faculties of their mind. We should also be able to utilize our mind as it’s a powerful machine. We should coax the seeds of creativity to grow and spread all around in a quest for something useful. What are these seeds of creativity then? A good habit of reading books, playing different games, learning new skills and finding new ideas in order to make life easier are a few of these seeds. Furthermore, thinking positively, staying calm and being kind to everyone are other seeds that can help improve our brain.

Everyone should try to be a Pollyanna (a movie character of movie “Pollyanna”). In the movie, her father taught her a “glad game” i.e. tricks to be glad consistently. To remain happy we need to design and plan, not only hope for the best. We should surround ourself with happy people and environment. We should paint our wall with refreshing photos and colours so that we can wake up happy in a good mood. 

Forgetting our past mistakes, and working for success in future is the right direction. 

Whatever we think, we become similar. So, let’s think as inventors did. Let’s utilize our minds. Positive thinking is necessary for utilization of this god’s greatest gift to us. We can prevent ourself from growing old, as with positive thinking and creative mind we remain young.


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