Sunday 2 March 2014

In the beginning of time the Timeless One Himself, Lord Shiva salutes His own Sakti, His own creation, and all his beloveds.These three Mantras point to the creative whisper of Shiva's heart.

Photo: Aum Siva Sakti Namah
Aum Siva sristi Namah
Aum Siva bhakti Namah

In the beginning of time
the Timeless One Himself, Lord Shiva
salutes His own Sakti, His own creation, and all his beloveds.These three Mantras point to the creative whisper of Shiva's heart.

( Shail Gulhati: Shiva and Mysticism. )

Aum Siva Sakti Namah
Aum Siva sristi Namah
Aum Siva bhakti Namah

In the beginning of time
the Timeless One Himself, Lord Shiva
salutes His own Sakti, His own creation, and all his beloveds.These three Mantras point to the creative whisper of Shiva's heart.

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