Saturday 1 March 2014

Pain is a part of love and you should simply swallow the bitter pill.

Photo: Pain is a part of love and you should simply swallow the bitter pill. It is good for you. Do not try to run away from the pain. If you run away from the pain, you also run away from love.


 Don’t think that only if you are knowledgeable, God become happy with you or become fond of you. It is not like that. The purpose of knowledge is for your own joy


Relax - you are taken care of

Just believe in God, know that He is there and He will take care of everything for you. He will protect you at all times. In the Bhagavad Gita, Lord Krishna says:

Ananyas chintayanto mam ye janah paryupasate |
Tesham nityabhiyuktanam yoga-kshemam vahamy-aham || (9.22)

Lord Krishna says that once you are surrendered to God, once you take His refuge, then He takes on the responsibility to provide you with all that you need, and also protect that which you already have. This is why Lord Krishna says:‘Yogakshemam Vahamyaham’. Here Yog- means to give you what you have yet to receive and kshema- means to take care of and protect what you have already received. Both are His responsibility. Lord Krishna says this very clearly. So just know this and relax.


Life is to live in the light of love, respect and happiness. If you get humiliated or if someone makes you feel bad for their personal motive then don’t lose your self worth, self esteem and change your style of living . If somebody humiliates you emotionally and spiritually then eliminate such negative, toxic people from your life. Then you can attract quality people in your life. In fact you deserve to live life with higher degree of happiness, respect, love and freedom. So align with kind, loving and wise souls. 


If you see that there are some negative tendencies in you, I tell you, don’t worry about them, because you cannot get rid of them. There is somebody to take care of it.

Om Namah Shivay

***Write " Om Namah Shivay " if you ask for God's blessing on your life today. Please Like, Tag and Share to bless others!

Pain is a part of love and you should simply swallow the bitter pill. It is good for you. Do not try to run away from the pain. If you run away from the pain, you also run away from love.


Don’t think that only if you are knowledgeable, God become happy with you or become fond of you. It is not like that. The purpose of knowledge is for your own joy


Relax - you are taken care of

Just believe in God, know that He is there and He will take care of everything for you. He will protect you at all times. In the Bhagavad Gita, Lord Krishna says:

Ananyas chintayanto mam ye janah paryupasate |
Tesham nityabhiyuktanam yoga-kshemam vahamy-aham || (9.22)

Lord Krishna says that once you are surrendered to God, once you take His refuge, then He takes on the responsibility to provide you with all that you need, and also protect that which you already have. This is why Lord Krishna says:‘Yogakshemam Vahamyaham’. Here Yog- means to give you what you have yet to receive and kshema- means to take care of and protect what you have already received. Both are His responsibility. Lord Krishna says this very clearly. So just know this and relax.


Life is to live in the light of love, respect and happiness. If you get humiliated or if someone makes you feel bad for their personal motive then don’t lose your self worth, self esteem and change your style of living . If somebody humiliates you emotionally and spiritually then eliminate such negative, toxic people from your life. Then you can attract quality people in your life. In fact you deserve to live life with higher degree of happiness, respect, love and freedom. So align with kind, loving and wise souls.


If you see that there are some negative tendencies in you, I tell you, don’t worry about them, because you cannot get rid of them. There is somebody to take care of it.

Om Namah Shivay

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