"Only due to karma does a living entity accept a lower or higher birth and die. Only due to karma a living entity becomes an enemy, a friend or indifferent to others. Therefore karma is foremost and the controller of a person" ~ Srimad Bhagwatam. When one moves from one rented house to another, they gather all their belongings and take them to their new house. While moving their valuables they pack even petty and unwanted things. Similarly when one changes one body to another it also takes its good and bad karma with them and causes them to act similarly in life. Depending on ones karma after death one receives a better or worse body. Without proper worship of the lord after death one may be awarded birds or animals body. Depending on previous karma we get our present life. Suffering and pleasures depend on our past karma. Whatever type of activities and attitude one harboured in our previous life, that kind of experience will they will have in this life. Which is why sometimes sinners are seen enjoying and pious are suffering. This is all due to their previously performed karma. Ones performed karma doesn't leave anyone or change in anyway. It follows them wherever they take birth unless they become sincere devotees. One can't have peace and happiness as long as they don't serve the lord. Therefore one must carefully perform actions to correct their karma!
Peace, Peace & More Peace ~ Hari Om Tat Sat Namah Shivaya!!
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