दुःख में सिमरन सब करें , सुख में करें न कोई .. जो सुख में सिमरन करें , तोह दुःख काहो को होय !!
Pray, always pray and sing his glories. Because Shiva can do more in a second, than we can do for ourselves in our entire lifetime. Trust the Almighty Shiva and always mediate on his name. Praise him in all circumstances, no matter what. We remember God only in our anguish, Nobody remembers HIM in joy, If we remember Him in happiness, Then how can sorrow come in our life! Some People remember God only when they are in distress & want to get rid of their grief. At that time they pray to God because they wish to be liberated from grief. Remember God doesn't like selfish people. "All devotees are undoubtedly magnanimous souls, but he who is situated in knowledge of Me, I consider to be just like My own self. Being engaged in My transcendental service, they are sure to attain Me, the highest and most perfect goal." Strive to be a person of true knowledge. Just devote yourself to God. Having a yearning for God, you shall certainly become a wise person, a true devotee of God & shall ultimately attain Him! Yes, he will never abandon you, he will never let you face anything alone. Sometimes Shiva will calm the storms, Other times He will act like an anchor that you can tie yourself to. Still other times, Shiva will offer Himself as shelter so that you can weather the storm in His protection and under His wings. Rest assured, He will never leave you, no matter what! Yes, HE doesn't promise an easy life, a life without pain, struggles and hardships, but he does promise he will give you the strength to get through them!! All Glories to the Lord ~ Har Har Mahadev ~ Hari Om Tat Sat Namah Shivaya!
Love, Light & Peace!
Love, Light & Peace!
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