मेरे भोले ईतना तोह कर करम , तेरी मोहब्बत में बस चलते रहें हम मंज़िल मिले ना मिले इसका गम नहीं , बस कहीं रुक ना जायें हमारे कदम ! हमें शक्ति दो भोले, सिर्फ तेरे नाम से ही' ओ शिवाया , हम सब कष्टों से मुक्ति पायें ~ जय भोलेनाथ !!!
Shiva is bigger than all our worries and all problems put together, and we must realise this if we want any victory in our lives. Everyone suffers with the difficulties. But don't forget to give praise to Shiva for who He is in your life. Let HIM know that you love, adore, and honour Him. Remind HIM that you were created to praise him. In reality we can't change how we feel in times of distress, but sure we can change how we think! #TheShivaTribeYes, tell him about your problems,, remind him, he is ever listening. Just like a child tells his father about what he wants, what he needs, and the father fulfils all the wishes of his child. Reminding him doesn't mean that he has forgotten you, reminding means to get his attention back. Even God wants to know that his Bhakta loves him. He ever longs for his devotees. Even God is overwhelmed by his desire for securing his devotees presence. Like they say Even God is nothing without his Bhakta. Just as a devotee holds God close to his heart, similarly God holds his devotees very close to his heart. That's why wise have said that Bhakti, Bhakta and Bhagwan are all one and the same! Love, Light & Peace ~ Hari Om Tat Sat ~ Jai Bholenath! 🙏🏻🙏🏻
Shubh Somvaar ~ Namaste Lovely People! Xx
Shubh Somvaar ~ Namaste Lovely People! Xx
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