This child dressed up as Lord Shiva, in blue colour, with the ash smeared all over his body in Kumbh Mela. Generally we see Hindu gods depicted in blue colour. Blue is the colour of the infinite. All Hindu gods are an attempt by the human mind to give form to the formless Brahman. The colour blue symbolises immeasurable and all pervading reality – formless Brahman. The blue colour thus teaches us that what appears as Shri Vishnu, Krishna and Lord Shiva is the all pervading reality. Brahman , the Supreme Reality, takes a particular form to satisfy the human mind. Whatever is immeasurable can appear to the mortal eye only as blue; thus the cloudless summer sky is blue to us because the endless distance of space is interpreted by the physical eye as blue in colour. Lord Shiva however is not blue coloured. It's just his throat that's blue, due the effect of Halahal stored in his throat. He is Karpur Gauram, camphor coloured. The colour of the ash on his body is depicted blue though. A simple reminder that This body that we are so proud of and we are so much attached to will become a heap of ash one day! That ash which is dear to Lord Shiva. Shiva applies ash on his body just to remind that this Life is transient! Har har Bhole Namah Shivaya ! ๐๐ป๐๐ป
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