"We get from you Maa, the power to sustain under duress. Never do we feel fatigue and nothing us can squeeze or press. It enables us to sing hymns numerous in your praise. And in works, service and in duty we remain always fresh." ~ Let's thank our Jagat Janani Maa AdiShakti for being our biggest strength. She is mother of the universe. She is the guiding light and shows us the right path. She is Maa Shakti, the Prakriti , the creator. She is the energy, the power, and in and behind the universe. "Twam para praktritih sakshad brahmanah Parmatmanah , twato janam jagat sarwam jagat janani shive." O Shive you are the Prakritih , the ethereal power of Brahman, the cosmos has come out of you, you are the mother of the universe. The Jagatnanani is the ParaShakti of Shiva that creates the universe and gives power of sustenance. She is inseparable from Shiva. Shakti is the active form of Brahman, it is the name of his actions.! Jai Maa Shakti ~ Jai Shiva Shankar!
Happy Mothers Day Lovely People ~ Divine Love & Blessings to all ! ๐๐ป ๐๐ป
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