When the bottom of the pan becomes hardened after cooking, it takes water and some time to soften it.
When the bottom of the pan becomes hardened after cooking, it takes water and some time to soften it. In the same way, when the ups and downs of life seem to be hardening your heart and mind, please allow the water of The Lord’s love, mercy, guidance, and blessings to soften you up.
✨ Namaste beautiful Souls. It's time for Friday Inspiration. 🕉
📿🕉 Yes, Patience they say, is a virtue. Try not to let your faith in Him be withered by the winds of the uncertainties of this world; for He has promised that His devotees never perish. "those who always worship Me with exclusive devotion, meditating on Me, to them I carry what they lack, and I preserve what they have. Absorb your mind and heart in Me, become My devotee, offer propitiation to Me, just give humble obeisance to Me and surely you will come to Me. I promise this in truth to you, being very dear to Me." Yes many paths to the same goal, one supreme ~ Shiva!! Remember, Feelings, good and bad, always come and go. The trick is to be grateful when your mood is high and graceful when it is low. Even the darkest night will eventually end and the sun will rise. Pain is part of life & you learn to grow from it. Enjoy what Shiva gives you, good or bad! Draw close to him. Always Remember we have come on earth solely to love Shiva, Breathe Shiva, Live Shiva!! we have come from him and our sole purpose should be to merge into him!! Love, Light & Peace!
Hari Om Tat Sat ~ Shivoham Shivoham!
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