Devon ke Dev ~ Har Har Mahadev! Lord Shiva has immense powers. He destroys our suffering, the poison of human life and rids us of impurities such as ignorance, false ego, delusion, attachments and pride, to facilitate our spiritual growth. If you are seeking a change or direction in your life, He is the right one to worship. Shiva has always been known as the most benevolent Lord. He is Neelkantha, he drank the poison to save the universe. To relieve Shiva from the burning sensation of the poison, he was given the moon, which came out from the ocean, to cool him down. Thus he wears the crescent moon over his head. Drinking of this gross poison was a small matter for Shiva. He is supposed to have said in the Linga Purana that there is still much poison in this world and those who could drink that poison are the real heroes. Indeed, both poison and nectar reside in the hearts of man and only when human souls are free from poison can they experience the joys of nectar. When the goddess Ganga descended on earth to provide moksha for the 60,000 sons of King Sagara who were earlier burnt to ashes because of the curse of a saint, it was Shiva who absorbed the otherwise destructive shock of the falling water. Since there was no one who could bear the impact of the mighty descent, the King Bhagirath performed penances and propitiated Shiva, finally getting Shiva to agree to receive the heavenly floods on his head. For seven years Ganga lost its way looking for an outlet in the interminable masses of Shiva's locks, which represent the world or Creation in all its modalities and endless forms, and which are as vast and complicated as the affairs of the world. Nothing can exist without Shiva. whatever is everywhere, all-pervaded and exists in Itself without the need for anything else for It’s existence is Shankar Bhagwan, The Supreme. All glories to Lord Shiva ~ Har Har Mahadev !!!

Love, Light & Peace ~ Happy And Blessed Monday Beautiful Souls!!

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