Q: How to deal with a loved one being too possessive?
Guruji : Only through wisdom.
You need to make people see life from a bigger perspective. When they see life with a wide angle lens, then their whole idea, or opinion will change. Otherwise the world seems so small, and we go around in little circles of fifteen, to twenty people. Within that small circle you will have cravings, aversions, anger, jealousy, and greed. All these negative emotions keep rattling you. This happens because you have not expanded your vision about your own life.
Good things come to those who wait
The answer will come when we least expect it.
Have patience with all things, but chiefly have patience with yourself. Do not lose courage in considering your own imperfections but instantly set about remedying them. Every day begin the task a new.
~ Saint Francis de Sales
Have patience with all things, but chiefly have patience with yourself. Do not lose courage in considering your own imperfections but instantly set about remedying them. Every day begin the task a new.
~ Saint Francis de Sales
I’m big on patience yet the wait’s been more than an extensive and elongated break. The best is yet to come and makes the long wait all the more worthwhile.~ Margaret Young
My life’s about to bust wide open in a GOOD direction. I’ve patiently spent my time here in the waiting room. Good things are coming! I can feel it! Never never never give up.
~ Dana Andrews
Q: Everything in the world is natural - the good and the bad. Then why are we always trying to convert the bad into good?
Guruji : Because that is also part of our nature. People are being born, and people die, then why do you need to save anybody from dying? Close down all the hospitals, shut down all the services. Anyways people die, what is the point? How does it matter if they die a little earlier or sometimes later? Sooner the better. This type of logic doesn’t hold good.
Our nature is to help. Our nature is to bring light. Our nature is to bring comfort to others, and make everyone feel happy. We can’t be in anyway different from that.
If you ask alum, 'Why do you clean the water?' It will say, 'It is in my nature'.
If you ask Sun, 'Why do give light to people?' It will say, 'That is my nature'.
If you ask a star, 'Why you twinkle in sky? It doesn’t help anybody'. It will say, 'That it is in my nature, to twinkle'.
So it is our nature to help others, and to bring comfort to life. Every individual is in search of happiness. Even people who are doing bad things, are doing it in search of happiness. It is just that they don’t know that they won’t get it. If they knew that they won't get happiness by doing bad things, they would never do it. They are doing all the wrong things simply because they do not know that they won’t be able to get happiness out of it. So it is our job to make them aware, 'See, if you keep doing all these wrong things, you are only going to get more miserable. It is better that you do good things, then you will be happy'.
Om Namah Shivay
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