Lord Shiva is known as 'Chandrashekhara', the one who holds the moon on His head. The crescent worn by Shiva is actually the moon in its fifth day phase and symbolizes the cycle of time through which the process of creation evolves, the beginning till the end. Hence the moon is the measure of time and the crescent on Lord Shiva's head signifies His control over time. It shows that Shiva is beyond the measure of time and is the eternal reality. Therefore the moon is only His ornament and not an integral part of the Mahadev. Thus, the crescent moon on Lord Shiva's head signifies His control over time and the fact that He is the beginning and the end of all things in the universe.
There's a story about how lord Shiva wears a moon on his head. Daksha Prajapati, one of the sons of Lord Brahma had 27 stars as his daughters. All of these daughters were married to the moon. However the moon had a special attraction towards one of the daughters called Rohini. So, all the other wives of the moon complained to their father that the moon was not treating them well. So, Daksha got angry and he cursed the moon that it will loose its shine day by day. Soon the moon started loosing one part of its light with every passing day. Afraid of the curse, the moon disappeared into the ocean. Without the moon the balance of Nature was disturbed and many lives dependent on the light of the moon started suffering. To end the problem, all the deities requested Lord Shiva to do something. With only one part of its light left, the moon took refuge in Lord Shiva's matted hair. Hence Shiva wore the moon crescent on His head, making the moon grow in size for 15 days and then wane for another 15 days causing the full moon and the new moon!

Om Namo Narayana ~ Jai Chandarashekharaya Namah
Shubh Ratri Divine Souls

Shubh Ratri Divine Souls

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