People often do not pray to god out of pure love, but out of fear of bad luck. Introspect a little and would realize that people only beg or ask for selfish favours whenever they are worshipping or doing any puja ritual. Drenched in maya or material gains, they do not realize that this world is a mirage, and not the ultimate reality. They do not think of the ultimate bliss, which is to get out of this cycle of death and rebirth. Under such a circumstance, Lord Shiva, disenchanted with the games of humans, chooses a cremation ground or shamshan ghat to meditate, where the actual action of soul liberating from the body happens.
He roams there and wears ash and skulls, to teach us the impermanence of the reality that we take for granted. He teaches equanimity by considering a venomous snake as good as a bejeweled garland, and drinking poison and amrita with the same attitude. While Lord Shiva is the Destroyer, Destruction is not necessarily a bad thing. Hence, being the Lord of Destruction is not a bad thing. What is light but the destruction of darkness? What is education but the destruction of ignorance? What is moksha but the destruction of the cycle of birth and death? None of these terms have a meaning without the accompanying destruction, and none of these terms are considered negative.

Hari Om Tat Sat ~ Bum Bum Bhole

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