Shouldering The Burden Of Others
Is the misery less even if one is bound with chains made of gold?
No, bondage is bondage whether chains are made of gold or iron.The bondage of satkarma, good actions, is that of gold, and that of asatkarma, bad actions, iron. Both are to be broken off. One has to refrain from bad actions so that iron chains might not be forged; and good actions are to be effected, but offer the golden chains at the feet of Paramatma, saying: “I do not desire the fruits of my good actions, I offer them to You.“
As long as the physical body exists, some actions are bound to be performed. No one can help doing actions.Respiration is itself an action. Even if one does not desire any action and sleeps, then that sleep, too, is an action. Good, and not bad actions, must be performed, which too are to be offered to the Supreme. Now the question arises whether the reactions will be just (equal) to the actions, or less, or more. Equal and opposite reaction is the rule, but then, whether the enjoyment of the reaction of actions is purely psychic or physicopsychic is to be seen.
Where the action is purely mental, the reaction will be just equal to it. But the reaction of physico-psychic action does not affect the mind cent per cent. If the mind is not affected by physico-psychic action, nothing happens. If there be some quantity of the reaction of physico-psychic action (that affects the body), in that case, the reaction will be much more than the action performed. The mind will be affected just according to the psychic action that is the case with psychic actions. Action in the pure physical sphere does not affect the mind. The pure psychic coupled with the physical of a physico-psychic reaction, add up to produce a greater reaction. So the quantity of reaction in case of a physico-psychic action becomes much greater. Hence one should be careful.
There are so many grades of spiritual practitioner. Some wish to exhaust their samskaras as soon as possible and accept whatever is due. Others say , “I am ready to bear the fruits of my own actions and bear the samskaras (reactions to past actions) of others.“
Some want to carry the burdens of others so that others might not be in trouble. The practitioner reaches a stage where complete devotion is aroused for the Supreme. Then one remains unaffected even if a cyclone of misery attacks him. The sadhaka of that stage is called `dagdhabiija' or `burnt seed'. A dagdhabiija comes within the range of the psychic directly .
Biija means `seed'. Wherever a seed is sown, it sprouts into a plant; but where the seed is burnt, a plant is not produced. A sadhaka becomes dagdhabiija when he has no more pain or pleasure of his own. One who has surrendered in toto is dagdhabiija. All carry their own burdens, but if a dagdhabiija sadhaka so desires, he can carry the burdens of others also. And those who want to carry the burden of others do lessen the burden of Paramatma indirectly .You should remember this.
Do not remain worried about your individual problems at all. Be prepared to carry your own burden and be prepared also to carry the burdens of others. Then alone are you brave. Be dagdhabiija.
Om Namah Shivay
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