People often wonder why there is so much bloodshed in the Mahabharata. How can God condone so much death during his lila ? How can Shri Krishna preside over so many battles in the Mahabharata? Many say why did Krishna cause the death of so many. Many say it's not good for having allowed so many warriors to die in his presence. Even Gandhari admonishes Krishna for not having stopped the war with his divine powers. We need to understand that universal lila of the divine can be very difficult for us to understand. We need to understand that divine view looks at the good of the universe rather than the needs of the individuals. Shri Krushna’s objective for the war was very clear. He wanted to establish ‘Dharma Rajya’. Removal of adharma was key to achieving Dharma Rajya. You can not afford to have a single drop of poison in your food. Liberals may argue that 'it’s only a single drop’, but a rationalist will warn you that even a single drop of poison will ruin the food and will kill you ! For Dharma to be established, Adharma, in all its guises, had to be removed. Establishing Dharma was the sole purpose of Krishnavatar. During the era of the Mahabharata, earth was burdened with evil, greedy, unscrupulous rulers. Powerful men and their arrogant armies constantly warred, making the Earth unhappy. Men plundered earth’s resources as if it was their right to exploit it for their benefit. Earth requested Shri Vishnu’s help in alleviating her pain. Being the protector of the universe, Shri Vishnu was able to maneuver karmic bonds and debts around to bring right people in to the picture at the right time to 'make things happen’. Like a catalyst, he can speed up or slow down events sufficiently to achieve the desired results. Karma is not negated, it is simply ‘adjusted’ to speed up delivery of karmic results. Krishna s lilas are not to be studied upon so as to know about him ~ simple way to understand him is to immerse yourself in the magic of his love and surrender.

Hari Om Namo Narayana ~ Om Namah Shivaya

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