Sunday 12 May 2024


All eyes looked for Parvati. As was the custom, the bride was brought in, last of all. Shiva hungered for this play of Shakti to unfold; He could barely manage His incomplete self without Her.
And then, as if to make God know how one feels when prayers are answered, She appeared.
At the farthest end of the huge hall, Parvati stepped in with the most divine grace, flanked by many sisters and friends, and clasped closely by Mena who had earlier slipped away from the reception to usher Her in.
Shiva drank in that first sight, in His old thirst-quenching way of drinking the ocean in one go. This first sight of Her as His bride, got etched into His very soul; embedded deep inside the very center of His heart, to remain there for His entire life.
~ From SHIVA, The Ultimate Time Traveller. Part 2 ( Humesha)

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