Saturday 25 May 2024



Once, Shiva put His two sons Kartikeye and Ganesh to test by asking them to race around the Universe seven times ,and then return to Him. Whoever would accomplish the task first would be declared winner.
Kartikeye sped with great speed and technology onto outer space on his vehicle, the peacock.
On the other hand the opulent Ganesh simply worshiped his parents and circum- navigated them with respect.
When Kartikeye arrived after having gone around innumerable Galaxies, indeed with God speed seven times:
Shiva had already declared Ganesh as the winner of the contest.
On seeing this Kartikeye walked away from Kailash in a huff,
to live in separation from the family, on the southern Mount Krouncha. Evidently, he felt Ganesh had cheated him out of victory by exhibiting devotion, and that Shiva, being so flattered, had unjustly conferred the prize on Ganesh, unmindful of the fact that the contest was a scientific one. He concluded therefore, that his own technology and efforts were of no consequence to the father, Shiva. But the truth was that Shiva indeed loved Kartikeye dearly, greatly appreciated his scientific approach, and always supported him in his role of ‘Protector of all the people of the manifest world’. Shiva was far from wanting to be unjust.
Shiva knew that even if the most brilliant scientist invented a craft of outward motion, capable of flying at the incredible speed of light itself, he would still take considerable time to traverse the Universe in its present state of expansion. On the other hand, an inwardly focused mystic , who by intense meditation, would reach the still center of his own being and would then come in contact with the perceptions transmitted by Supreme consciousness- this man could traverse time itself.
Or in other words, it could rightly be said that such a man had traversed the entire Universe in no time at all!
Since Shiva Parvati denote that Supreme consciousness, Ganesh’s walk around them was a symbolic illustration of his understanding of the "Scientific"‘ knowing of the relationship between inner being and outer world. This is the difference between scientific invention and mystical discovery.
Shiva was only trying to impart to Kartikeye this wisdom of subtle import so that he could handle all his nuclear experiments with a greater sagacity, improved accuracy and a holistic syncronicity- terms which science always went by in progression.
Ironically the lesson of great understanding resulted in misunderstanding. A conflict had arisen in the most Holy family. Legend says that the Divine parents visit their estranged child every month in a hope to have resolution, reconciliation.
More importantly, till today we are suffering from misunderstanding about the intent of Mother Nature and Father God. In the land of Ganesha- let us say the East: There is abundance of spiritual wisdom, but Ganesha the elephant’s’ people are large in numbers and require huge feeding, for which they do not always have requisite provision.
As a consequence, there are conflicts between them.
In the land of Kartikeye lets say the West - the world of great scientific wisdom and super advanced technology, despite modern amenities and luxurious comforts, there is a growing discomfort on account of peace of mind: The soul is longing to know about itself, yearning to go to its maker, God.This causes conflict between them, and if this isn’t enough both the people have conflict with each other also!
The time has come when these brothers must share their wisdoms with the other, as good brothers should. And not one but three conflicts can be resolved.
To me, recent events such as Global warming, Greenhouse effect, the feared Corona pandemic etc are indicators that we need to upgrade to the best collective version of ourselves.
Aum Namah Shivaye !
~ Derived from an article written on 25th May 1997 . Shail Gulhati: Shiva and Mysticism.

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