Thursday 23 May 2024



“Mythologically three of us constitute the Trinity. Brahma the creator, Vishnu the preserver, and I, the destroyer of the Universe. If we use reductivity, and think of this as a business firm, where, one provides capital, thus becomes the chairman, the other runs the affairs and thus becomes the managing director, the third only gets to liquidate the firm if its running turns sour. A trifle unfair. But since the Universe already stands created and is so far being preserved, although it is stalling, so, I hold the key to its destruction, or final chapter. If I refuse to destroy, there is no need for fear, is there? I could force the other two to reconsider a few things about the firm. I am contemplating rectification instead of destruction. How will that sound”, asked the Yogi, “Shiva the rectifier?”
“I can get used to it” , laughed the snake. “Philosophically, God, is the power of creation, preservation, and destruction. These processes go hand in hand. Brahma, Vishnu and I, are the same energy, manifesting differently. Perhaps we need that fourth process, the process of rectification.”
~ From the book ' The Yogi and the snake' by Shail Gulhati: Shiva and Mysticism.

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