And so it was, that their days passed, in love and wisdom, play and divinity.They would also play their favourite game of dice. More often than not, the game would end only when Surya deva arose by the window of their bedroom and smiled radiantly to signal a new morning.
It was on one of those days,that Sati asked Shiva,“Tell me honestly, do you ever cheat when we are gambling, do you use your Maya to win?”
“No, of course not! Why do you ask?” Shiva laughed.
“No, nothing. I just had a fleeting thought and wanted to check.”
It was on one of those days,that Sati asked Shiva,“Tell me honestly, do you ever cheat when we are gambling, do you use your Maya to win?”
“No, of course not! Why do you ask?” Shiva laughed.
“No, nothing. I just had a fleeting thought and wanted to check.”
“How can I cheat the one who has cheated me into thinking I have any control over my destiny! And tell me Sati, how can there be free will, when whatever I do…whatever, it must always lead back to you,” said Shiva, lovingly.
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