The spreading of Vishnu-tatwan ( the principle of all-pervasive divinity ) is known as Trivikrama-tatwam ( Tatwam=the principle of Tri=triple Vikrama=pervasiveness ) . The aspect of 'Trivikrama-tatwan is represented by the Gayathri Mantra,'Bhur Bhuvah Suvah'.The Bhooloka,Bhuvahaloka and Svarloka constitute the Tri-vikrama-tatvam.
It is wrong to conceive these three Lokas as existing on top of the other and thus capable of being reached by climbing a ladder,as it were.In fact,the three Lokas are interwined with each other and one exists within the other.The real meaning of this kind of geometrical configuration of the three Lokas is that the Pancha Indriya ( five senses ), Pancha Bhoota ( five elements ) and Pancha Kosha ( five sheaths ) , the aspects of man's body is Bhoo-Loka.
The aspect of Prana-shakti ( vital air ) or Manas-tatwam ( mental aspect ) is Burloka.The microscopic state of Anandam ( bliss ) represents Suvarloka.So it can be said that the three worlds - Bhooloka,Bhuvarloka and Suvarloka - are nothing but the dehatatwa ( physical state ) ,respectfully and the totality of these three represents the Trivikrama-tatwa.Again these three aspects of Tri-vikrama-tatwa can be understood in terms of the three states of an individual , viz, :
1. the one you think you are,
2. the one that others think you are.
3.the one what you really are.
2. the one that others think you are.
3.the one what you really are.
Hence,only by proper Sadhana ( spiritual practice ) ,can one transcend from Bhoo-loka through Bhuvar-loka to Suvar-loka.The attainment of Suvarloka is known as Moksha ( Liberation ) , and it represents the stage of complete mergence with the Lord
- Sai
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