Saturday, 30 September 2017

Each morning we are born again. What we do today is what matters most.

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Each morning we are born again. What we do today is what matters most. 🕉 Namaste Beautiful Souls. It's time for weekend vibes 📿🌟📿 Every day we wake up is another day that we are blessed with the opportunity to experience life. Embrace this opportunity and experience each moment as something new. Stop comparing today with the past or weigh yourself down by carrying yesterday's load. Life is in the present and Life is a blessing. The more you spend life appreciating this experience, the more you will realise how blessed you really are. So start concentrating on the present. Remember, you can’t reach what’s in front of you until you let go of what’s behind you. Today is a new day, don't let your history interfere with your destiny. It doesn’t matter what you did or where you were, it matters where you are and what you’re doing now. Never give up on yourself, and never abandon your values and dreams. Know that as long as you feel pain, you’re still alive. As long as you make mistakes, you’re still human. And as long as you keep trying, there’s still hope. Keep marching ahead with a positive attitude. Only you can change your life, no one can do it for you. Happiness always comes from within, and it’s found in the present moment. Forget about all the pain that you are afraid of. Forget about all the things that hurt you. Maybe it’s going to hurt because it matters, and because it expands your horizons. Remember, pain isn’t always a bad thing, sometimes it’s just another step toward personal growth. So take right action and plant the right seeds. Stay true to your path and keep moving forward. Practise gratitude. Each morning when you open your eyes, think only three things first: Thank you, thank you, and thank you. Then set out to make the best use of the gift of this day that you can.!! Love, Light & Peace ~ 🐘🕉👁🌀📿🐚🔔🎨🙏
Hari Om Tat Sat Namah Shivaya ~ Jai Shri Ganeshaya Namah! 🕉🐘🕉

Dassehra is also called Vijaya Dashmi.

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Dassehra is also called Vijaya Dashmi. It is the festival of victory of Good over evil and is celebrated in all parts of India in different manners. In the Shakta tradition it is celebrated as the day when Goddess Durga slays the Demon Mahishasura. Mahishasura, the buffalo demon was the symbol of egoism and evil, who obstructed the path of Dharma or righteousness. He considered woman as weak , and hence asked for a boon to Brahma that he may be killed only by woman which according to him cudnt happen as he considered women physically weak. Mahishasura then grew powerful and wreaked havoc on earth. Under his leadership, the asuras defeated the devas. Even Bramha , Vishnu and Shiva couldn't confront him. The Devas and Gods worried, asked Bramha , Vishnu and Shiva for help. Devas then combined into Shakti, a mass of incandescent energy to kill mahishasura. Hence Goddess Durga was created from the energy of the Trinity.
Gods also gave her the various weapons. Shakti coalesced to form the goddess Durga. On a lion who assisted her, Armed with ten weapons gifted to her by the gods, one for each arm, Maa Durga then proceeds towards the land of Mahishasura. She destroys his army and beheads each of his general. Mahishasura attacks Durga Ma with his powerful weapons but she destroys them one by one. And finally Mahishasura takes the buffalo form but Devi Durga beheads Mahishasura with her sword and brings an end to the cause of all misery, pain and destruction in her creation. Maa Durga battled Mahishasura for ten days. On the tenth day, she managed to kill Mahishasura. To celebrate this victory, Durga Puja is performed every year to remember the victory of Goddess Durga. On the last day, Vijaya Dashami is celebrated. Maa Durga, as Shivas consort represents two forms of female energy, mild and protective, fierce and destructive. ! 🐅🌀🕉📿🐚❤️🔱🎨
Jai Maa Durga ~ Jai Mahishasura Mardini! ❤️🕉🙏
Shubh Ratri ❤️🕉

Famous for kidnapping Lord Ramas wife Maa Sita, Ravana was a staunch devotee of Lord Shiva and a Brahmin who could chant all the Vedas by heart.

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Famous for kidnapping Lord Ramas wife Maa Sita, Ravana was a staunch devotee of Lord Shiva and a Brahmin who could chant all the Vedas by heart. Ravana was a descendant of ‘Surya Vansha’ of Hela Yakka, ancient Sinhala tribe. Ravana was one of the best fighters in Angampora, the traditional martial arts of ancient Sinhale. He was a great Scholar in Ayurvedic medicine. He was the person who invented “Arka Shastra”. The book “Arka Prakshaya” reveals this truth to the present world. He did research in Ayurvedic medicine and wrote several books revealing the cures for many diseases. In one of his books he wrote “Eating beef cause to infect ninety eight new diseases to human beings”. The book “Kumara Tantraya” which reveals the treatments for infant diseases was written by him accepting the request of his pregnant queen Mandodari. He was the author or Ravan Samhita.
The origin of violin is traced back to the Ravana Hatta, a stringed instrument played using a bow. King Ravana invented the bow of Violin. He also narrated very first Raagas, the musical compositions of Eastern classical music known as Lanka Dehena. Shiva Tandava Strotam is one of the great devotional compositions written by him, which is recited till date to soothe the anger of Shiva. He was the first king flew over the world with his aero plane, known as Dandumonaraya, Vimaanaya or Ahasthara. King Ravana continued a vegan oriented life style and was a real nature lover.
Ravana was a great scholar of the Vedas, a tapasvi, a classical musician, powerful warrior and in fact, the great grandson of Lord Brahma. His brother Kubera, is one of the devas. And even Lord Rama constructed a temple of Shiva in Rameshwaram to atone for having killed a Brahmin and a great devotee of Shiva. On his deathbed Ravana recited the lessons for running a kingdom to lord Rama and Lakshman.
Ravan had served great penance to Brahma and got boon for immortality. His only problem was arrogance and ego, he deserved to die for his actions and that his death is celebrated as a positive event does not make him “evil.” In fact, as Ravana lies dying on the battlefield, he asks for Rama’s forgiveness and is granted the same, along with entry into Vaikunta. It's also believed that Ravana and Kumbhakarna are incarnations of Vishnu’s guards Jaya and Vijaya, cursed to be born thrice on earth as brothers who hate Lord Vishnu (the other births being Hiranyaksha-Hiranyakshipu and Shishupala-Dantavakra). Since ravan could only be killed by anyone else, Shri Vishnu was born as Kshatriya king Rama to kill him. Amidst a plethora of facts, one thing remains constant, the immense strength, talent and devotion of Ravana, he was revered for his persona even today in Balidweepa, Malayadweep, Angadweepa, Kushadweepa, Gonda tribe of Maharashtra and Sri Lanka!
Happy Dussehra Beautiful People! Hari Om Tat Sat ~ Om Namo Narayana ~ Jai Shri Ram! 🕉🙏🕉


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One evening Sati and Shiva were playing their favourite game of dice. Sati was already losing the game, when their cave started shaking.
“You are shaking the bed to cheat, Shiva,” She said.
“No, of course not. Look, my hands are on my thandai" He said, raising His arms into the air,
and drinking the bhang from his goblet.
“But the bed is rocking,” She said. “Is it an earthquake?”
“Let me see,” He said, scrambling to the window.
Suddenly, He broke out into a laughter.
“What’s so funny?” She asked.
“It’s no earthquake, it’s only Ravana rocking Kailash to please me.”
“Ravana? How many times have I told you, I just don’t like that man! He’s too overbearing, too ambitious…too intrusive. Just what does he mean by rocking our home? And look at you! How can you laugh when He dares to be so impertinent?”
“It’s ok, Sati. I will ask him to stop. He’s a great and overzealous bhakt whose passion knows no boundaries when he is invoking me.”
“He is a perfect demon, I tell you. Just ask him to stop, will you?”
“He is not a demon, Sati. He’s just like a child.”
“A child? Shiva, this is what I don’t like. You lose discretion when it comes to your bhakts. He is no child. Someone who is vain enough to rock your Abode, will actually rock the kingdom of Gods.He will shake the foundations of tradition, mark my words! You, wait and watch!” Sati said.
“Ravana! Ravana! Stop this nonsense will you? Do you have any idea what time it is? And what are you trying to do anyway, you silly man?”said Shiva angrily from his window.
The rocking came to an abrupt end. An incomprehensible whimper came from below the window. It was a mumble of an apology. They both heard Ravana scamper away.
~ From the book SHIVA, The Ultimate Time Traveller.


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Ten Heads. but not one on the shoulder.
To be fair, Ravana was scriptually a very knowledgeable man and brimming with prowess gained through devotion to Shiva.
Who cannot help admire his eloquent poetry in praise of his beloved Mahadev, in the Shiv tandav stotram?
So too, it is in praise of Ravana that he was undoubtedly a spiritual giant.
Ravana was hot headed, which he thought ,was in the Shiva Nature of His Lord. And to be fair again, a warrior does need a certain amount of ignition to propel him into the greatness of action. But while Shiva knew how to channel even his anger and destructive mode in a creative way, Ravana let his resentment take over the purpose.
He did not even realise that in the act of kidnapping Sita,he was actually kidnapped by his own ego!
The very lesson of #Dussera is,that to be powerful, is not in itself a goal, Divine gentleness (vinamrata) through true Self realisation, is.
No matter what station of life you are at, keep that head on your shoulder, before a Rama levels it for you, in a paradoxical act, of kindness.
This Dussera, instead of just burning someone else's effigy, learn from Ravana, what you shouldn't do even if you have the blessings of almighty Mahadev. And perhaps Ravana's life will have served the great purpose.
( Shail Gulhati is the author of the book SHIVA, The Ultimate Time Traveller. )


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What is Dussera for me, and what Diwali ?
Mark your arrow upon this sense of separation and finish the duality, God.
And then will I know the end of exile,
and the homecoming of light.
( From the book of spiritual quotes, And Life Said)

When people ask the power of vibration, when people ask the effects of mantra, I want to get to one concept, cymatics.

When people ask the power of vibration, when people ask the effects of mantra, I want to get to one concept, cymatics.
We all are aware of sound waves, but are we aware of how organized sound waves are? Sound waves are not sheer chaos.
Each syllable in a mantra has a vibration, has an effect. I hope this video will give you a better appreciation of vibrations. This video is able to show us a sort of "Shadow" of the vibrations around us.

Friday, 29 September 2017

Kali throughout the ages have enlightened many yogis and rishis, like Mahadev Shiva, Bhairava, Parshurama and many more.

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Om krim Kalikaye Namah !
Kali throughout the ages have enlightened many yogis and rishis, like Mahadev Shiva, Bhairava, Parshurama and many more. She has been the force of guidance to many spiritual preachers like Ramakrishna Paramhansa and his disciple Swami Vivekananda.
Kali Ma is simultaneously portrayed as the giver and destructor of life & a giver of salvation. However, in most of the wrong interpretations she is portrayed as ferocious and evil. But when a spiritual seekers goes beyond the limitations of her form he realizes the importance of Mother Divine and her unending and compassionate love and assistance towards the whole path of liberation. She is the mother of the world and the treasure-house of compassion. She is considered as the primordial mass from which all life arouse. Meaning:
K stands for full knowledge,
R means she is auspicious,
I means she bestows booms, and
M that she gives freedom.
She is a source of joy rather than evil. She can neither be evil nor bad, she is the ruler of this KALIYUG, she is the Supreme Godhead, she is the universe, the power within each and everyone of us. Kali can be prayed or worshiped by any people of any religion and any age! 👅💀👁💀👅
Jai Maa Kali ~ Jai Shiva Shankar !
Shubh Ratri 🙏💀👁💀🙏