Thursday, 21 September 2017

There is none equal or superior to him. He is the ultimate goal of saintly people, yet chooses for himself a ghastly way of life.

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"There is none equal or superior to him. He is the ultimate goal of saintly people, yet chooses for himself a ghastly way of life. This is because he wishes to remind us that body is but destined to be food for dogs. Those unfortunate people who delight in decorating it, don't understand Shiva, who is ever absorbed in self bliss" Shrimad Bhagwatam.
Shiva, MahaYogi, great Tapasvi, who has gained highest perfection and mediation and austerity. An austere ascetic Digambara, body covered with ashes and matted hair, teaching men by his own example the power to be acquired by renunciation & suppression of passions. Shiva is the epitome of detachment, while still maintaining a deep love for his family and the world. Through Vairagya, we can learn to control our emotions as Shiva does. We must learn to keep emotions in check, so that they do not overpower us and control our lives. And we must strive to achieve inner peace and outward calm. For Shiva, detachment means being calm internally as well as externally. Renunciation is always in the mind, the mind does not turn outwards but inwards. Too much attachment leads to suffering. Shiva was so attached to Sati, when she died he was utterly devastated, his personal suffering nearly destroyed the world. His grief turned to rage. In his anger he began to dance. The ferocity of his dance had a near catastrophic effect upon Earth. It was lord Vishnu’s presence of mind that Shiva could be calmed down enough to reconnect with his Vairagya, avoiding further destruction. Hence the goal is to strike the right balance between detachment and emotions, helping you move away from adverse situations, away from brooding and worry, but toward a state of deeper awareness and indeed, compassion for yourself and others.! 🌊👁🐬🕉🔱💀📿💦🐍🌙🐚🔔🌀🐋🎨
Hari Om Tat Sat ~ Har Har Mahadev !!! 🕉🙏🕉

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