Many Hindu temples in India claim to have Swayambhu lingams. First of all, what is a Swayambhu lingam? These are the lingams that manifest on its own i.e. not made by man. They appear suddenly or mysteriously without any human efforts. They are self existing and when the saints or holy men see them they install them in a temple. We have several stories about great saints like Adi Shankara installing such lingams in several places. The famous Madurai Meenakshi temple has a Swayambhu lingam.
Is there any science behind such spontaneous appearance of Lingams? Can stones rise from the earth by some special force? Yes, says scientists.
Some natural formations such as the famous Kailash Mountain or Tiruvannamlai hill look like Shivaling. The most famous Amarnath Ice Linga is formed by dropping water through the mountain crevices.
Hindu devotees collect certain natural objects like polished stones or Salagramam (fossils ) and do Panchayatana Puja. The stones or fossils collected from river Gandaki in Nepal, Red stone from Sonabhadra in Bihar, Crystals from Vallam in Tamil Nadu, Linga shaped Banalingam stones from river Narmada, stones collected from Swarnamukhi river in Andhra Pradesh are worshiped as Vishnu, Ganesh, Surya/sun, Shiva and Goddess Ambika respectively in the Five/Panchayatana Pujas.
All these are nature’s work. No man made them. But there is another strange scientific phenomenon known as micro seismic activity that pushes the stones to the surface from the depth.
This is the natural extremely low frequency (ELF) seismic energy from deep within earth. It is of relevance to note that ELF frequencies from 30 Hz to 300 Hz also cover brain waves in humans. So we can conclude that Swayambhu Lingams come from below the earth by ELF or some forces yet unknown to science.
Om Namah Shivaya ~ Hari Om Tat Sat
Shubh Prabhat

Shubh Prabhat

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