Shiva gently put one arm around Sati and lifted Her easily off the ground. He seated Her on Nandi, and then looking at the wedding party one last time, sat on Nandi Himself.
Nandi let out a bellow that startled everyone with its tenor. It was like the call of a truly happy celestial elephant. He got up steadily to his full height, careful that Sati would not feel a jerk, and hoisted his riders to a majestic position of an exalted throne.
The royal drummers started beating their drums, breaking out into a lilting rhythm. The Shiv ganas promptly drew out their damarus and started playing them with equal vigour. The confluence of the palace music and that of the mountain men was, indeed fabulous—a divine jugalbandi.
And thus began Sati’s journey to Her abode in Kailash, amidst drums and trumpets, roars and fanfare. Kailash, where She hoped to live happily ever after with Her Lord, Shiva, who was also the beloved Lord of the world.
Nandi let out a bellow that startled everyone with its tenor. It was like the call of a truly happy celestial elephant. He got up steadily to his full height, careful that Sati would not feel a jerk, and hoisted his riders to a majestic position of an exalted throne.
The royal drummers started beating their drums, breaking out into a lilting rhythm. The Shiv ganas promptly drew out their damarus and started playing them with equal vigour. The confluence of the palace music and that of the mountain men was, indeed fabulous—a divine jugalbandi.
And thus began Sati’s journey to Her abode in Kailash, amidst drums and trumpets, roars and fanfare. Kailash, where She hoped to live happily ever after with Her Lord, Shiva, who was also the beloved Lord of the world.
( From SHIVA, The Ultimate Time Traveller.. by Shail Gulhati )
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